Oct 04, 2004 16:17
soo sunday i decided to see if i was still capable of doing splits both ways and other various flexibility things...hah well i was reminded of that today with every step...the steps = hell lol stretching out beforehand really does help ;P
hmm and i have pilates wednesday..blah this might not be the best idea haha...i gotta find another class to do..what do you guys think yoga? lol something more..hmm upscale? lol tell me! i am a very uncreative person =/
so this is definitely worth mentioning: in english class today mr booth asks us why the ballad "get up and bar the door" might be found humorous to us
"because they were gunna get raped" - tyler lmfao =)
that made my day :o)
hmm rulers are quite long when you think about them in terms of something else...ginnaaa you had me corrupted all day =P lmao but holy christ, really..
sorry for the randomness =)...hope everyone had a good day! <3