Guys! Esther has provided us with an easy way of adding all TDT characters to your flist at once. Make sure you are signed in to the correct journal before you start!
this link and copy and paste the following into the box:
friend add aka_meg
friend add aquilus_erus
friend add atrum_erus
friend add bigpapamalfoy
friend add black_cissy
friend add boom_baddock
friend add boysaviorharry
friend add brocklememandy
friend add clevertastic
friend add darkertruth_mod
friend add daviesly
friend add finch_boy
friend add harper_j
friend add just_nev
friend add just_susan
friend add kates_bells
friend add lady_feroce
friend add lady_pensee
friend add lafindevie
friend add luna_dearest_x
friend add michaelcorner_
friend add millanmac
friend add millicentury
friend add miss_lav
friend add ms_hannahabbott
friend add odetodaphne
friend add padmap434
friend add parva
friend add pintsizedgenius
friend add potion_man
friend add raven_ponder
friend add ravenhaired_cho
friend add redheadedking
friend add redheadedxx
friend add sapiens_unus
friend add terry_claw
friend add thefinniganboy
friend add timid_turpin
friend add tonksss
friend add wickedboydraco
friend add x_lupinremus
friend add x_morag_x
friend add zachariasasmith
And click TEH BUTTON!