Hello, everyone! Belated Happy New Year! I bring you a fic revolving around Hazuki:
Title: The Sound of Silence
crystal_tiaraFandom: Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini
Pairing: Implied Hazuki/Youko, but this isn't a pairing-centric fic
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen, introspective
Warnings: Spoilers for the entirety of Ryuusei no Gemini, and Hazuki's backstory
Disclaimer: I don't own Darker than Black or any of its characters; BONES and Tensai Okamura do.
Summary: "Mina Hazuki grew up in a house that reverberated with silence." A vignette divided into sub-vignettes on Hazuki, expounding on what little hints were dropped regarding her backstory.
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