Title: Your Eternal Sin
Chapter:Dangerous Creatures
Author: Nora [
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series
Characters/Pairing: VampTara/VampLindsey
Prompt: 1 - Greed
Big Damn Table: [
Word Count: 1095
Rating: R/NC-17
ruric &
strangecreature, I am forever indebted
Disclaimer: I don’t own them - I wish I did - Joss is apparently god. I’m just borrowing them for my own amusement and your entertainment.
Author's Notes: I have a very rare gift, my muse isn’t a figment of my imagination or a spark. It’s a full fledged person who just by being inspires me in so many ways; lots of time’s it’s just by getting excited over a tiny idea that I have. I am a very lucky author. This series is for my whiskey daisy girl [
strangecreature]; my RP soul mate and the Lindsey to my soul. Yes, I named this chapter this for a reason. *g*
Smooth as silk, deadly as a snake...