Some silly things

Oct 27, 2010 14:14

The other night I completely flipped a shit. I was driving Amanda home from our Painting class, and I see this giant red orb in my rear-view mirror. At first I was like, “oh, that’s odd,” and then it disappeared, so I just assumed that my head pulled a fast one on me. And then, I SEE IT AGAIN and I’m like, “HOLY SHIT IT’S THE MOON!! IT’S BRIGHT FUCKING RED, AND IT’S CHASING USSSS!!!! OMG!!” I slammed on the brakes and start freaking out. And then Amanda pointed out to me that it wasn’t, in fact, the moon, but a stop sign.


And then!! Last night:

The wind is blustering ferociously and nearly blowing my feeble frame into the nearby trees as I wrestle to keep my balance and gather my school books from the backseat of the car. The garage is open, and suddenly, BAM!!! the garage door slams open-revealing my two puppies sitting calmly behind the door, with an unusual zen for their temperament-as though, the door had been flung open not by the force of the wind, but by the strange power of their spooky minds.

I got in a ridiculous argument with some random kid in the CLC hallway because he was whistling that one song, "Bullet proof" over and over again. I told him to 'please stop' and he, at first thinks that I'm someone he knows, and then goes on accusing me that I don't like music. And from there it just went to the absurd.

I'm glad I'm finally able to see the humor in things again.

Last night, I was dreaming that I was trying to learn how to ride a motorcycle. I managed to get on top of a hugggeee cliff, and then, naturally, managed to fling myself off of it. While I was falling, I had the opportunity to be rescued by Miley Cyrus and her boyfriend (didn't even know she had a boyfriend...?) and I politely refused and gladly made friends with the pavement. I wasn't dead but was completely incapable of moving for the rest of my dream. So as I was lying there, the twins rev up on their own motorcycle, and their faces are such that I could tell that they were seriously trying to bite the urge to burst out laughing at me. One of them did scoff and say, "Good going!!" But I was too busy being amazed that those two were riding a motorcycle.

"You learned how to driveee?????" I gushed. The twins then smirked and flipped their hair like real hot-shots and then I noticed that the motorcycle had training wheels on it and then it was my turn to laugh uproariously on them. And then the two start 'driving' away, just in time for me to also realize that they weren't driving at all--that their motorcycle was actually chained to the back of a pick-up truck (which I believe may have belonged to that lesbian-erotica writer, Sugarbutch....) and I told them they looked like uber-dweebs and had no chance in hell of getting laid that evening.

Then they ended up on some cruise ship and were getting their FIRST INTERVIEW EVERRR!! and the interviewers first question was, "How did you discover electronica and what made you two decide to push your classical-folk training in that direction?" and the two went on a five minute history lesson in which they described in depth all the Rammstein cover bands they have ever encountered ("there are five now, ehe?") (for the record--i had no idea) and also started talking this person, Raukus (again... no idea...). And then started arguing amongst themselves in Romanes about the strange, unconscious brunette that somehow ended up in Merick's arms. And then they kept mixing up "America" and "Australia", or saying, "Ausmerica" and finally the interviewer threw his hands up in the air and cried, "I GIVE UP!!" and stormed off.

i love my brain barnacles, how you say in english...?, z?

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