Blame it on the weather

Apr 02, 2007 12:54

Disclaimer: Draco Malfoy and Ginny Weasley are the creations of JKR, Sex is of the common good and for the rest… I made this.

A/N: This is what happens when I need an outlet…

Dedication: Msscribe asked for smut so this is for her, and for Thelvyn who is my padawan apprentice. *Snicker*Snort*

It was the lightning that did it.

Ginny had been afraid of thunderstorms for as long as she could remember, but over the years she had learned to control that fear… to an extent. Not tonight though, with lightning slashing the skies wide open and the hammering rain against her window.

She was terrified.

She wanted her brother, she could always crawl into Ron's bed when the weather was like this, and he would let her sleep with him, keeping her safe. But Ron wasn't here, he was in his bed in the seventh year boy's dormitory, and Ginny was scared and alone. She crawled out of her bed, trying to stay quiet so that she wouldn't wake any of her roommates. She found her slippers under her bed and slipped quietly out the door. There was no way she would be able to sleep through this storm, but maybe Madam Pomfrey had some sleeping draft for her.

The halls of Hogwarts were eerily quiet, as Ginny padded off in the direction of the infirmary. If possible, the storm seemed to have gotten worse, as if trying to scare the young woman more than she already was. Ginny sped up, and was soon running along the halls. Terrified.


Draco Malfoy was bored out of his skull; his father had been satisfied when Draco had been made prefect and then Head Boy. However his father didn't have to patrol the hallways in the dead of night now, did he? Draco was just finishing up his rounds when he saw someone running down a corridor. Finally! A student out of bed wasn't exactly thrilling but at least something was happening. He sped up after the running student and finally caught up with her shortly before the entrance to the hospital wing. Capturing the girl by grabbing her arm and spinning her towards him. When he recognized her he couldn't help the sudden glee that welled up in him.

"Tsk, tsk Weasley, out of bed at this hour? This is going to land you a detention."

"No, please. I was just going to the hospital wing."

Draco took in the girl's appearance. Dressed in a nightgown that was too large, probably her mothers and slippers she had goose bumps covering her bare arms.

"What's the matter Weasley are you sick?"

"No…" Ginny blushed

"Well, what then?"

"I just wanted something to help me sleep," her voice dropped to a whisper, "the storm was keeping me awake."

"What's the matter Weasley, are you afraid of a little rain?" Draco mocked

At that moment lightning struck a bright shining spear of white crisscrossing the sky. Ginny gasped before seeking refuge with the thing at hand, that thing being Draco.

His primary reaction was to push her away, but the sobbing girl wouldn't let go of his robes. And it soon dawned on him that the situation was not completely without its upsides. Ginny was only wearing a thin cotton nightgown and the flimsy material did little to obstruct the feeling of her full breasts pressing against his chest. So he did what any healthy 18-year-old male would do, he pulled her closer. He watched as her eyes went wide in the second before he pressed his lips to her throat. God her skin tasted sweet, like honey, it was exhilarating. And it was even better knowing that she was Gryffindors little princess. Potter's girl.


Ginny couldn't believe what was happening, Draco Malfoy was kissing her, and she liked it. Too late, her brain regained control over her body and she remembered that she was supposed to hate him, loathe him…

"Stop!" She pushed at his firm chest trying to pry him off her.

"What?!?" Draco glared at her.

"We… We can't do this."

"Yes we can," Draco pulled her back to him pressing her flush against his body. "You're cold," he murmured

Ginny gave a small sigh as her body relaxed and she sagged into Draco's hard muscular chest, so it was wrong, she knew that, but she felt safer with him, with anyone than if she had to be alone during the storm.

Draco picked her up and lifted her, as if she weighed nothing more than a small child, and started carrying her cradled against his chest down the long hallways.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To bed."

She snuggled closer to him chest but didn't really respond, it was close to three in the morning and needless to say she hadn't gotten much sleep, and she was warm and safe here.

Draco carried the now sleeping girl down the shifting staircase, which for once managed to take him in the direction he wanted to go. He walked trough cold stone corridors and warm wooden hallways before finally halting before a portrait of a young knight.

He whispered the password and lifted his wards so they could enter.

Ginny was still sleeping, as he gently placed her in his bed. He pulled the covers over the girl before he started undressing and crawled under the sheets next to her.

He let his hands trail across her body. She really was beautiful. Soft velvety skin, her pink nipples pebbled under his fingers as he brushed across them, exploring.

Her eyes fluttered for a moment before opening, she looked slightly disoriented as she scrambled to sit up.

"Where… where am I?"

"In bed, well my bed to be exact." His voice was filled with cool amusement.


"Ginny, you're a smart girl, I'm sure you know the answer to that."

She looked up at him with those alluring cinnamon eyes showing her every emotion. Fear, uncertainty, and what he was searching for: a hint of excitement.

He let his hands brush over the top of her breast, the part that was visible over the low cut of her nightgown. Watching her reaction, would she brush his hands away? Scream bloody murder? As it turned out sweet Virginia Weasley did nothing of the sort. Instead her eyes followed the movement of his hands, silently watching as he tugged at the strings holding the front closed. They fell open, baring her breasts completely to his gaze.


Ginny couldn't believe what was happening; she was in Draco Malfoy's bedroom, more specifically his bed. The boy who had made such a mess off her childhood alongside with his father was touching her. And what was worse, she was enjoying it.

"No!" Ginny sat up straight in bed, trying to push him off

Draco let her go.

"We… I can't do this."

"Fine!" He drawled in a cool tone, he wasn't going to force the girl.

"Fine?" Ginny was confused, this was Draco Malfoy, after all, the boy Harry and Ron claimed was the spawn of Lucifer himself.

"Yes fine, get out I don't care."

"You don't?"

"No." Draco got out of the bed and started undressing, first his green and pale silver striped tie, then his white linen shirt, baring his chest to her. Ginny watched with hungry eyes.

'What are you doing?' Her mind whispered furiously. After all it wasn't as if she had never seen a boy's chest before. She had seen plenty; after all she had six older brothers. She had seen most of the guys on the qudditch team. Well Harry and Colin at least. But this was different. Very different indeed.

Draco felt her watching him, her eyes greedily taking in every expanse of bared skin, he was good looking, and he knew that. The Gods knew he had heard it a lot of times over the years from girls more than willing to enter his bed. So why was it so important what Ginny Weasley thought? He decided not to venture too deeply into that school of thought.

Ginny sat frozen in his bed watching as his fingers ventured closer to the fly of his trousers. Oh my, oh my, oh my, the mantra kept repeating in her mind as he unbuttoned the first button. Then he suddenly stopped and turned towards her.

"Weren't you leaving?"

Ginny's throat was suddenly very dry and she had to struggle to say the words.

"I… err… I don't know where I am."

"We are close to the Slytherin common room, just take to left turns and you'll be by the potions room."

"Oh… Right."

She still didn't move. She really didn't want to, she wanted to stay in this room, this bed, and with a boy she had despised most of her life.

"Ginny…" Draco's voice was a low purr; a sound of imminent danger and unspoken promises of something else, something she wanted.

"Ginny, leave now, or stay. But you know what I want from you, if you don't leave."

She couldn't think, she swore that her normally smart brain had taken a leave at the moment. She wanted to stay; she wanted everything that came with it. But staying would be wrong. Staying would be…

Draco slowly walked towards his bed, for each step bringing him closer he opened another button in his trousers. When he was finally standing next to it he quickly rid himself of his shoes and socks before letting it fall to the ground and stepping out of it and into the bed.

"Last chance," he whispered.


Ginny didn't move, she remained where she was, her wide eyes taking in is almost naked body. Only a pair of boxers kept him covered, and she couldn't help wondering just what exactly they were covering.

Draco placed his hands on her ankles, and oh so slowly started pushing her nightgown up.

"I find it slightly unfair that I'm practically wearing nothing, and you have all this."

"Okay." She said, knowing she was agreeing to something, but not quite sure what it was.

His hands slipped under her knees, still pushing the fabric upwards while the tips of his fingers caressed her inner tights.

"So soft," he whispered

Ginny wanted to say something but she could think of nothing, her mind had gone blank, and all she could come up with was a soft sigh.

"Do you like that?" he whispered as his hands trailed higher and higher, his hands trailed under her thighs and above them letting one hand coming to rest at her center, right across her panties, while the other continued pushing her nightgown up across her belly.

"Yes," Ginny whimpered, as the hand that had now nestled between her thighs, started to explore on top of the flimsy fabric protecting her.

"Your panties are wet." Draco stated with amusement. Ginny only nodded to his statement. Too immerged in the sensations his roaming hands were causing.

One of his fingers slipped under the elastic finding her nest of protecting curls, she was so soft to his touch, her curls were soaked with moisture as he let his index finger slip trough them into her folds, slowly dragging it up and around her clitoris.

Ginny gasped, as his touch caused her mind to overload from the sensual input. She was not some innocent little first year, so maybe she hadn't done "That" before, but she had enjoyed her share of snogging sessions in the astronomy tower. She had even let Harry fondle her breasts once. It wasn't that she was a prude or anything, there had been times that she had wanted to go further, especially with Harry, but between Professor Snape's prowling and Ron's protectiveness she hadn't really had the opportunity. However what Draco was doing between her tights at the moment was beyond anything she had experienced in the past, beyond anything she had expected.

"Oh my god!" Ginny moaned as his finger was joined by the rest of his hand, his thumb flicking her clit while his index finger probed at her opening, slowly slipping inside her, stretching her, filling her before being joined by another finger.

"Do you like that?" His hot, silky voice whispered into her ear, Ginny nodded frantically.

"Has anyone else ever touched you like this?" She shook her head and arched her hips into his touch

"No… Please?" She wasn't sure what she was begging for, just….more. She needed more.

Draco couldn't resist smiling into her ear. She was acting so wanton, he wondered what Weasley and Potter would say if they could see their little princess now. Begging for his touch, enjoying his caress.

"What do you want Virginia? Tell me."

"I want… I want you."

Draco felt a surge of pride and some thing else something that made his heart swell for a second, but he dismissed the unfamiliar sensations.

"I'm here. Now what do you want from me?"

"I want you to touch me."

"Like this?" He asked before bushing his fingers deeper inside her making her hips buck against his hand.

"Yes," she hissed, "more."

"More?" He did it again this time being rewarded with a strangled scream.

Ginny couldn't believe it? The sensations that were cursing trough her body, it felt as if her very blood was on fire.

Draco couldn't believe how responsive she was, he could feel the barrier of her hymen beneath his fingers and he knew that soon, very soon he would break trough it.

Ginny sobbed with need as his fingers kept teasing her always keeping her from her release, he would stroke her clit, bringing her so close to orgasm that she could almost taste it, then withdraw always denying her the pleasure just outside of her grasp.

"Draco," she pleaded. "Please do it now."

"Do what?" He asked, wanting her to say the words, to make her surrender completely.

Ginny gulped, was she really ready for this, for what he was asking? She wasn't sure, all she knew what that she wanted, no needed him more than she had ever needed anything else.

"Fuck me, please?"


Draco slowly retracted his fingers and crawled on top of her, spreading her legs wider before angling his cock and entering her with one swift deliberate movement. Ginny screamed as he breached trough her hymen, and he paused for a moment letting her get used to the feeling of him inside her.

A tear trickled down her cheek as Ginny tried to relax, but it hurt. A lot. It almost felt as if she was being ripped apart by him.

Draco gently stroked the side of her breasts. "Relax," he whispered. And slowly he felt her internal muscles relax around his cock, and he started moving in shallow controlled strokes. Making sure to go slow and not increase her discomfort.

Draco didn't let himself linger on why easing Ginny's pain was so important to him, after all it wasn't as if he had worried too much about the pleasure of any of the other girls he had bedded over the years. It was just different with Ginny, although he didn't want to think about that.

The pace of his thrusts soon increased as Ginny relaxed even more and he could not hold himself back she was so hot, so tight. Almost as if they where made fore one another. Now wasn't that a silly thought? Draco looked down on the flushed sweaty girl writhing beneath him. She really was perfection. She was like some ancient goddess of passion.

After the initial feel of discomfort slowly disappeared and Ginny relaxed, she became aware of the new sensations Dracos cock was creating inside her. A molten tension started building, a sultry warm feeling that soon was raging trough her body, as her hips started meeting and matching his thrusts.

As he felt her respond beneath him he could no longer hold back, and as her long legs wrapped around his hips he could no longer hold back. He spilled his seed deep inside her, her muscles milking him as she reached her own climax.

The two of them slumped back on the mattress. Draco still buried within her as they tried to catch their breaths. Slowly their breathing reached a normal pace along with their heartbeats and Draco pulled himself out of her. He got out of the bed wiping himself off, on one of the towels lying on his nightstand. He was about to tell Ginny to get herself back to her room when he realized she was asleep. The littlest Weasley had fallen asleep in his bed, filled with his seed.

He knew he should wake her, get her to take a shower and go back. After all her brother and Potter were certain to discover her missing if she wasn't in her bed in the morning. And those two had a certain knack for knowing where people were if they couldn't find them. If Ginny Weasley was discovered in his bed it would probably give him the beating of a lifetime. He knew all this, but when he crawled back into bed he did not wake the sleeping girl. Instead he brushed a kiss on her forehead, before pulling the covers up over them both.

d/g, harry potter, fic

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