Title: "Mad Old Meme"
Copyright Notice: All characters owned by the BBC, BBC America, ABC Television and Tiger Aspect Media.
Plot spoilers: Just about up to the end of all the current seasons.
Pairings: Too many to list. Read list of characters.
Warnings: light suggestion of slash.
Rating: PG-13 (for slashy content)
Summary: Such a clever prompt from
rospberry (
See Rospberry's meme here!)
Pick 10 characters from as many fandoms as you wish. (Don't cheat! Make the character list before reading the questions.)
Answer 16 questions. Drabble responses are very welcome, too.
Bonus: Name the meme pairing you like best and least.
Double bonus: Write a fic about either or both, featuring the situation from the meme.
My list of characters;
1. Robin (Robin Hood)
2. Meredith Grey (Grey's Anatomy)
3. Marian (Robin Hood)
4. Much (Robin Hood)
5. Allan A Dale(Robin Hood)
6. Will Scarlet(Robin Hood)
7. Donna Noble(Doctor Who)
8. Rose Tyler(Doctor Who)
9. Jack Harkness(Doctor Who)
10. Well, 'Ten' Doctor of course. (Doctor Who)
Lets see what horrors I've wrought. >:)
1. Describe the children of #3 and #7? Are they good parents?
Hmm right off the bat, a lesbian pairing! Of course they are! Marian rears the kids with old fashioned values and a sense of duty to the poor and less fortunate. Donna, with her sharp mind and cleverness, naturally passes these traits off to the kids too.
2. Describe #5 and #1's first kiss.
HA! How did that happen! Robin Hood 2:5. Lost scene in the tavern of course, after Robin finds out Allan betrayed the gang. Robin is angry enough to kill Allan right then and there but Allan begs for his life so sincerely that Robin acquiesces. They have hot, angry, tree!porn, make-up sex and Allan rejoins the gang. The rest of season 2 ends much happier!
3. How would #2 react if #6 is pregnant with #10's baby?
Okay!, first plotbunny! Let the weirdness begin!
I Had the Doctor's Secret Alien Love Child
The Doctor and Will Scarlet arrived in the TARDIS at Seattle Grace Hospital.
"Which way to Maternity? The timelord asked the first person he saw, "I have a sick man in need of attention!"
Behind him, the young dark haired carpenter stood looking anxious, afraid and very pregnant.
"Where are we, Doctor?" Will Scarlet asked dazedly, in a hushed whisper. "He winced as another contraction ripped through his swollen belly.
"It's alright we're in a hosp...a place where they help people." the Doctor replied to the crafty craftsman.
"You're standing in it." the surprised blonde resident answered calmly, I'm Dr. Meredith Gray. What happened?"
I can't really explain. Well, I could explain but by the time I did, the child he's carrying will be ready for college. The Doctor rambled.
Meredith began "He's...."
"Pregnant." the Doctor finished.
"How?" Meredith, looking completely confused, had a stethescope to the young man's bare stomach, suprised to hear two heartbeats from the quickly growing fetus within.
"To put it briefly?" The Doctor took a deep breath. His wide brown eyes were flashing. "I was chasing an Abraxan honey bee through 12th century Sherwood forest after it ehh...sampled my DNA." He turned around and pulled down the waistband of his trousers showing a large bandage on his heiny. As I was trying to catch it with a butterfly net, It ran into young Will here and did...well...what Abraxan honey bees do really."
Meredith asked reluctantly, "And what is it that they do,...really? The Abraxan honey bees that is?"
The Doctor studied the young, pretty resident surgeon sadly, "It uhhh....pollenated him." The immortal time lord blushed.
The carpenter was blushing too, "It felt kinda nice really." Will replied, weakly smiling as he was taken by another painful contraction.
The Doctor gave the young outlaw a half amused look, "Well pleasant or not, he's with child now...my child. It's growing rapidly to my current age.
We have to get it out before it's old enough for preschool and young Will here explodes."
Will raised up at this in horror. His light green eyes were round circles of fear, "Explode! I don't want to explode! Where's Djaq? She would know what to do!"
Relax Mr. Scarlet. We're here to help you, Meredith patted the craftsman's hand as she helped him get into a gown. She then hooked up an I.V.
"We have to get it out!" The doctor studied Will's abdomen as the baby moved around inside. "It must be about the size of a two year old by now."
Will grimmaced, "Feels like it anyhow."
"We're rushing him to an O.R. I need to get a medical team to help." Meredith gazed at her strange patient.
She started to leave but the Doctor grabbed her arm, "Wait! there's not time for that really and this is a delicate situation here. We don't need too many prying eyes seeing this."
Meredith looked at the Doctor's arm on hers then at him, "I'll page Dr. Yang."
"She can be trusted?" the ancient traveller asked, looking the young intern in the eye.
"Completely." Meredith reassured.
Minutes later, Christina Yang appeared at the door to the exam room, a little too excited to be paged.
"You paged me on the sparkly pager?!" The pretty Asian questioned excitedly.
"Yes I did," Meredith stated matter-of-factly. "We have a... situation."
The Doctor and Meredith stood aside and Christina understood immediately why her friend paged her.
"Wow!" She exclaimed. Her dark eyes echoed Will's belly.
"I know" Meredith almost squeed.
"This is big! This is really big!" Christina continued.
Meredith returned the doctor's impatient glance as her friend rambled on.
"This is JAMA published paper big!" Christina exclaimed feeling Will's abdomen.
"Oi! Watch it! Cold hands!" the carpenter yelped.
"Sorry. You are male right?" The asian doctor questioned the craftsman.
"Last time I checked." Will shot back glaringly.
"Excuse him, He's just hormonal," the Doctor interjected getting an annoyed glance from the crafty craftsman.
We can't publish a paper on this, Meredith studied her friend and fellow surgeon.
Why not and who's this guy? The asian surgeon pointed at the Doctor.
The Doctor offered his hand to the surgeon "I'm the Doctor."
"Who?" Christina returned.
"Exactly." the Doctor fired back.
Christina gave the timelord a confused look, then looked over at her friend.
Meredith was on the phone, "I've scheduled a delivery room." She then looked at Will and smiled, "It's almost over. We'll take it out...Whatever it is."
Thank you, the dark-haired outlaw said gratefuly as the baby kicked, making his side bulge out comically.
"He's about three years old now, the Doctor mused. If we don't hurry up, he'll just walk right out of Will's..."
"Oi! excuse me!" Will interrupted.
The trip to the delivery room went smoothly up until the three doctors ran into Dr. Miranda Bailey. "Grey, Yang, where the hell are you going?"
Christina looked up at the chief resident with her sad upturned eyes, "Delivery, Dr. Bailey, emergency C-Section."
Will had his head turned away from the chief surgeon with a look of wide-eyed fright on his face. The surgical cap on his head did a good job of concealing his gender.
"Who's the patient?" Miranda went to grab the chart but Meredith snatched it out of her hands.
"Patient is ...Wilhamina Scarlet. The baby's got a weakened immune system. She requires limited contact during delivery."
"And this is?" Miranda turned suspiciously to the tall, thin timelord.
"Mrs.Scarlet's personal physician. He brought her here for the delivery." Meredith quickly offered.
Miranda eyed her two nervous acting residents with suspicion, "I don't remember this case."
"Just came in. We didn't want to bother you with it, what with your huge caseload, Dr. Bailey," Christina supplied.
Miranda shook her head, "Ok. go ahead. Just file a report on her progress and follow up care afterwards." She put a hand on Will's shoulder, "Hope everything turns out well for you, Mrs. Scarlet."
The crafty craftsman's eyes almost popped out as he looked at her hand. He replied in as high a pitched voice as he could muster, "UhhHuh!"
Miranda Bailey walked away and when she got out of earshot exclaimed, "Thats the ugliest pregnant woman I've ever seen! I hope, for its sake, the baby don't take after her." She then headed down to pick up her son from daycare.
Meanwhile the three doctors wasted no time getting Will to the delivery room.
By this time Will looked like he would pop at any second and they wasted no time getting him on the table.
Meredith administered an epidural and Christina laid out the instruments.
"I can't feel my legs!" Will cried out.
"Thats the nerve block" Meredith patiently explained. "It's only temporary, trust me. You'll be glad before its over that you can't feel anything below your waist."
Christina made an incision across the carpenter's abdomen and Will winced at the pressure.
The Doctor kept saying to Will, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" as he held his hand.
"I wanted children but not this way!" The crafty craftsman spit out though gritted teeth.
Behind the drape over Will's waist. Christina let out a surprised gasp, "How far along were you!"
The Doctor looked at the clock on the wall and estimated, Uhhh... forty minutes....or eight centuries give or take.
Meredith came around to the two expectant men, smiling and holding the hand of a naked 4 year old, "Congratulations it's a boy."
"Hi Dad's", he said as his voice went from toddler to teenager.
Now that he was out, the child was growing quickly to full maturity and it didnt take long until he matched the age and height of the two men in front of him.
"Such a handsome lad looks just like his dad," the Doctor gushed, winking at Will.
"Will blushed and replied, "He looks a bit like you too."
"Thats what I meant," the timelord grinned.
We need to close you up now, Mr. Scarlet. Meredith glanced down warmly at the new father.
"I'll take care of that." The Doctor fished a small test tube out of his coat. Inside the tube was what looked like a swarm of miniature fireflies.
What is that? Meredith asked cautiously but with fascination.
"Chula nanogenes." The Doctor replied with a satisfied grin as he opened the tube, "A little something I picked up in 1940 during the war."
He waived his hand through the swarm to give instructions to the little machines and they took off behind the drape.
Christina let out a loud whoop, "Meredith, Your not going to believe this."
Meredith went over to inspect what should have been a large incision in the young man's lower abdomen but was now completely smooth and unscarred. "Wow!" was all she could squeeze out.
"And I think my ovary just grew back," Christina said sheepishly.
"Oh sorry about that," the Doctor replied while recorking the tube, "Did you want it to?"
Christina smiled weakly at the strange man, "I'm good."
During all this, the 'child' had finished growing to full adulthood and went to the rest room to clean off the gore. He put on a hospital gown and returned to meet his new parents. He looked like a version of both men. He had the Doctor's thick shock of hair that was exactly Will's color. His light green eyes under dark arched brows definitely belonged to the young outlaw, as did his chin. The nose was the Doctors.
"So what do I call myself?" He asked, then looked at his fathers and grinned, "I know. How about DoctorWill?"
"Works for me!" The doctor replied,
Will was getting dressed and turned, "Sounds good to me as well. Always wanted a son named after me."
The young timelord carpenter smiled, Brilliant! He then pinched at his gown, "Got a change of clothes, Dad?"
"In the TARDIS...son." The Doctor handed the young man the key. "Try snapping first. See if you have enough of your dear old dad's DNA to make it open."
"Will do!" He grinned cheekily and was off.
He returned, dressed in one of the Doctor's pin stripe suits with a blue tee shirt under it and red sneakers. By this time, the doctors and proud father were sitting in the small waiting room. "Better?" He turned showing off his look.
"Much!" Christina replied cheerfully, eyeing the young man up and down, meeting his smile with her own and getting an elbow in the side, from her friend.
"Christina, he's just a baby!" Meredith reprimanded.
"I don't care! he's cute," The asian replied defiantly. "I could so rob that cradle." She was rewarded with another cheeky grin from the young timelord.
DoctorWill looked at his timelord father anxiously, "Dad, can I borrow one of the pagodas from the TARDIS to travel in? I'll catch up to you later and we could visit Dad Will in Sherwood."
The Doctor thought carefully, then relented, "Sure, I'll just grow another. Oi! I'm not paying for the insurance and no crashing into any inhabited astroids!" The Doctor grinned. "Oh, and stay away from Abraxan honey bees." The Doctor mused as he rubbed his hip.
DoctorWill grinned at his strange parents as he started off on his new adventures, "Thanks Dads...You're just brilliant!"
"That's my boy!" the Doctor beamed proudly, as the hum of the pagoda dematerializing inside the TARDIS sounded.
Will grabbed a handful of tissue and was sobbing into it. "My baby's gone. They grow up so fast!"
Christina and Meredith just stared at each other, completely perplexed at what just happened.
4. How does #8 convince #7 to go with him/her on a date?
Just a Temp? Not!
It was Donna's first day of work at Torchwood. She was very excited. She had heard rumors about the work that went on there and was happy to get a temp job at the place.
The only thing that disconcerted her, was the pretty blonde that kept looking at her with a sad but proud expression whenever she looked up. She felt almost like she should know her and was sure the group the blonde was with, was talking about her as they would individually glance in her direction. She was relieved when lunchtime came.
She took off for a small cafe and was reading a romantic, science fiction novel when she heard a pleasant voice.
"Is this seat taken?" Rose asked, as she bit her lip anxiously, peering at the redhead from under her lashes.
Donna was cautious at first, but smiled up warmly at the blonde girl. "Not at all, Donna Noble." she extended her hand.
"Rose Tyler" the blonde smiled back and held the redhead's hand a little too long as she gazed into her eyes.
Donna's head hurt like something was opening up inside. "Do I know you."
Rose smiled sadly, "No but you do remind me of someone I once did."
Donna nodded, suddenly understanding. She patted the pretty blonde's hand. "I'm flattered sunshine, but I don't swing that way. I like my blokes."
Rose dropped her jaw at the misunderstanding, "Oh I'm so sorry! You got the wrong idea! The gang and I just wanted to welcome you to Torchwood over drinks later. Eight P.M. sharp at the little pub around the corner from work? Can you come?"
Donna smiled in relief and thought it over for a minute. "Oh... alright then! I don't know how long I'll be staying with the company though, I'm just a temp."
"Oh your so much more than just a temp, Donna." Rose placed her hand on the feisty, flame haired, woman's. "My dad, Pete Tyler, runs Torchwood. We're offering you a full time job if you're interested." She studied the temp with pride, "Donna Noble, we really need people like you. See you back at work." Rose got up and smiled back at Donna as she walked out the door.
Donna glanced after her, then down at the paper back she had deserted. She thought to herself, "Who needs fiction anyhow?"
She had a feeling her life was going to get a lot more exciting.
5. Where would #9 and #6 go for their honeymoon? How is #4 going to sabotage their honeymoon?
The Honeymooners
Much was not at all happy with the outlaw's new guest in the camp. He was really not happy when it turned out that Jack Harkness not only shared Will and Djaq's affinity for honey but other carnal interest with the newly weds as well. The giggling and moaning coming from their section of the camp was getting on his nerves as he tried to sleep.
He glared at Robin, "If you don't say something to them I will!"
Robin studied his fussy friend, 'Let them have their fun, Much. It's Djaq and Will's honeymoon. If they want to have a third, so be it. Get some sleep."
Much tried once again to close his eyes, but opened them as a new burst of lascvious sounds came from the tent.
He finally had enough. Against Robin's feeble protest, Much got up and stormed across to the tent, "You in there, please kindly knock it off!"
Jack opened the curtain and smiled lewdly at the servant. "Hello blue eyes. I was wondering when you were going to join us."
Before Much could say another word, Jack had him in the tent, naked, moaning and silenced with a deep kiss.
Robin smiled as Much's moans and giggles blended in with the others. Fully exhausted from his own randy romp with the threesome and no longer worried about Much's whining, he turned over and went to sleep.
6. #6 is in love with #1. #3 confesses his/her love to #6. Whom would #6 pick? Does #8 think s/he made the right choice?
Marian, Robin and Will? Hmmmm, Poor Will would be so utterly torn between the two of them. If he asked Rose, she would probably say, "Just do them both."
7. #5 and #2 must pretend to be a married couple. Why?
What Happens in Vegas, Baby
Meredith Grey met Allen A. Dale at a medical convention. She didn't know that the slick con man had stolen a vortex manipulator from a time agent in 1192 and was on the lamb in 21st century Las Vegas.
She was immediately smitten by his rakish charms and boyish looks and soon they were checked into a motel under the assumed name Mr. and Mrs. A. Dale.
As she pulled him in for another hungry kiss, Allan's sea green eyes looked at the door. He thought to himself, "Well, this is another fine mess you gotten yourself into mate. How will you get out of this one?"
He was answered by a loud thud at the door and the impatient voice of Jack Harkness, "I know you're in there Allan! You took something of mine and I want it back!"
"Who's that?" Meredith looked at her new lover curiously.
"Not bein' funny or nothin', but it seems like an unsatisfied customer by the sound of it." Allan shrugged, as he stole one last kiss before the real fun began.
8. #10 is moving in with #9. What do they fight about the most?
Hair Product
"Whats this for?" the Doctor opened the cap of the strange bottle and sniffed cautiously at the contents.
"Hey easy! Thats the finest 51st century hair gel a drachnid can buy on Celextor." Jack reverently replaced the cap and put it lovingly back in the overcrowded TARDIS medicine cabinet.
Jack then grabbed a colorful tube from the shelf, "Yours I guess?"
The Doctor snatched it away from the time agent, "Dr. Mogart's Goofy Poofy Hair Glue... just a little dab'll do." He grinned. "You think this rightious mane holds itself by magic?"
Jack eyed his equally vane friend with amusement, "Something like that."
The Doctor was just about to open his mouth in protest when Rose walked in.
Rose puffed her cheeks and eyed both her companions with distaste as she grabbed her humble hairbrush and ran it quickly through her hair.
"Men! Such metrosexuals!" She snorted and walked out of the bathroom as both men stared after her.
9. How will #4 prove his/her love to #1?
Much doesn't have to prove his love for Robin. Robin on the other hand has a lot of making up to do in series 3! (Glares at Robin. Guhh!)
10. #7 and #4. Love at first sight?
Donna would snap Much like a twig If he even looked at her funny. :P (Much stares at the firey redhead nervously. Gulp!)
11. What would #2 give #9 for Valentine's Day?
Dr. Meredith Gray prepared the injection as Jack Harkness, leaning nervously over the exam table with his trousers down, looked up at her. 'You're enjoying this aren't you!"
Meredith looked down at her impatient patient with a bored expression on her face, 'I'll bet this is the last time you pick up a date on Valentine's Day at a V.D. clinic."
Jack shot back as the needle went in, "I was just saying 'hello'!"
12. Under what circumstances could #3 and #5 have a happy end?
Sure they can! Shoot Fire the writers at the BBC and Tiger Aspect and replace them with RH Comm fangirls and fanboys!
11. What would #8 like to change about #10? Does number #10 approve?
10.5 Doctor's First Haircut.
"It's just a haircut. Whats wrong with getting a haircut?" Rose studied the Doctor impatiently as he squirmed in the chair.
"Nothing I just..."the Doctor looked away nervously.
Just what?, Rose said not understanding all the fussiness of her boyfriend.
It's my first haircut. the Doctor spat nervously.
"You're nine hundred years old and you've never had a haircut?" Rose said with confusion. "What did you do to keep your hair from getting too long?"
The doctor eyed his pretty blonde companion with anxiousness as the barber started. "I regenerated."
12. #2 and #7 are together. Who is more protective of the other?
Donna would never have let Meredith run off with Derrek. She would know her friend is way too vulnerable.
13. Who is first going to say "I love you", #1 or #9?
Jack, no contest! (Glares at Robin. What the hell's wrong with you?! Tell Much and Marian already!)
14. Describe #10 and #4's perfect romantic outing.
Peanut Butter and Banana
The Doctor never realized he would meet his soul mate in a field, in the middle of 12th century England.
The sturdy, blonde man quickly warmed up to the ancient timelord and the two of them were seated under a tree, sharing their first picnic together. Both men were chatting like magpies as they were inclined to do since they met.
The Doctor took a tentative bite of his sandwich and closed his eyes. "Mmmmmmmmmmm, brilliant! He said around the obviously delicious mouthfull. Whodathunk it, peanut butter and bananas. Such a perfect combination."
Much beamed at his new lover as he tasted his own sandwich. Thank you! I thought you would like it.
The Doctor pulled the former servant in for a sweet, peanut butter and banana laced, kiss. Anything involving you and bananas is always delicious.
Much blushed and held up the jar of smooth richness, "I can think of other ways to use this too." He grinned conspiratorily.
The Doctor smiled and happily leaned back as Much eagerly showed him. The rest of the day, they came up with another thirty-two uses for Dr. Carver's wonderful invention.
15. Who suffers from pre-wedding jitters, #3 or #8? How does bridesmaid/best man #10 soothe them?
Two Weddings and a Runaway Bride
"You have to marry him! If you don't, you'll change history." The Doctor eyed the nervous bride in front of him as if she would explode if he wasn't careful.
He doesn't respect me or my decisions. How can I marry him? She was almost weeping as she fiddled with her bouquet.
"He loves you. You can work it out." The Doctor placed a comforting hand on the anxious woman's shoulder.
"He doesn't even approve of my wedding outfit!" She cried out in angst.
"It's your day and that doesn't matter. Now go on and be happy!" He kissed the bride-to-be on her forehead and turned her to the chapel doors.
"Oh wait! You forgot your mask!" The Doctor grinned, holding it out as Marian, in her full NightWatchman outfit, ran back and kissed the timelord warmly on the cheek .
She affixed her mask and smiled back at him as she went through the doors where Robin was waiting with the minister. The outlaw gave a cheeky eyeroll at his new bride's getup.
"Crazy kids!" the Doctor said as a flash suddenly appeared behind him.
Rose stood in her wedding gown holding a Vortex manipulator. "Doctor, I can't marry him."
"What do you mean you can't marry him? He's me!"
Rose bit her lip, "He doesn't respect me or my decisions. How can I marry him?" She was almost weeping as she fiddled with her manipulator.
The Doctor rolled his eyes in frustration, "Give me strength, here we go again!"
16. #6 is a secret admirer. What presents will they make the wo/man of their dreams?
Carved Hearts
It was one of the first shapes Dan Scarlet taught his young sons to carve, a simple wooden heart. "You could do so much with it," He patiently explained to the lads as they shaped the soft wood with eager fingers. "No woman on earth could refuse a heart," He said, getting cheeky smiles from Will and Luke.
Years later, it was the shape that Will enjoyed carving the most. When Robin announced his engagement to Marian, Will presented them both with one that split apart like a jigsaw puzzle, giving each half. "To be joined again when you are wed," He said, getting a gentle kiss from both Robin and Marian on his glowing cheeks as he blushed with pride.
Djaq had a growing collection of them. Each was carved with a poem or a drawing of her favorite places in the Holy Land, Will imagined from long sleepy tales she would tell him in his arms by the fire at night.
In the castle, under his tunic, where no one would see, but ever so close to his own, Allan A Dale had a simple one carved by his friend, and so much more. It simply read, "I Love You...Always, Will." Every time he looked at it, he cried.
Favourite pairing from the meme: Surprisingly, Doctor/Much Who knew that would be so warm and funny. :) Second favourite had to be the last one. Allan/Will *Sniff*
Least favourite: I guess Donna and Much since she's now chasing him around the room in my head with Jack's squareness gun. Yikes!