Oct 11, 2004 00:21
I've had the day from hell, isn't that nice everybody?
First of all, because I was drunk and playing the sims I got a really late night, had to get up early to catch a bus.. ha!
For a start I got up earlier than I had to because I got the time wrong.
Then the bus was an hour and fifteen minutes later and we were waiting in the cold, for that long.
I was supposed to have 1h10m in London between buses, I ended up in London, 15 minutes after my connection left.
I went to information, in tears by now because of course this had to happen when i was due on didn't it?
Information tells me I have to go to the ticket hall, so off I go with my big bag, my big heavy bag, to the OTHER END OF THE BUS STATION, to wait for something like 45 fucking minutes in the queue.
I get to the end of the queue, and get told I have to be a £1.50 ammendment fee - which I don't have - if I get the ticket changed there, or go to the customer whatsit desk near gate 11, to get it changed for free 'cos it wasn't my fault.
So off I traipse, BACK TO THE OTHER END, to get it changed, by this time it's 3.15, my bus left at 2.00, I got to the bus station at 2.15, with me so far? good.
Next bus to wakefield - 4.30.
So off I toddle to wait by the gate like a melon for an hour and fifteen minutes, think I've come on so go and have to pay 20p to get into the loos, only to find I haven't.
So I go, sit around some more, go to get a lolly to try cheer me up, 25p for a chuppa chups, 25P!!!
So I finally get on the bus, atleast I get a seat to myself, listen to Greenday for four hours, get in late.
By this time, it's 8.50, I left my dad's house at 11.10am, this journey normally takes 6 hours.
I get home at around ten past nine and have a chip butty. go online, no best friend.. fair enough, it's getting late, she probably went to bed, a bit miffed but not her fault, decide to amuse myself by watching comedy and having some melted chocolate.
get sick. Throw up.
Come back upstairs, still with sicktaste in mouth, after having to rinse it out of the sick while using the scrubber to keep the drain unblocked, rinse out the scrubber and clear up the..bits with kitchen towel - atleast I got to the sink.
Anyway, here I am, back upstairs, think 'hey, it's ok, Joe's on, he'll cheer me up'
Tells me he and Polo had a bonding sesh, woo I think, bestest buddies getting on well, this is great.
Tells me their identical twins, I jokingly comment it's because they both have half of my brain - a theory that's been around for atleast a year.
He starts telling me they thought they were the twins from the parent trap, and "we had a completely Amy-free day ((don't I feel special)), and we came up with this theory all on our own, thank you very much"
Proceeds to try send me a mp3. I don't have sound, I decline, he says "Oh, you can't!" (as in, sudden realisation), his next comment? "HAHAHA!"
To top this all off, I have college in the morning, I have to have an English essay done, have to get my mum to write me a note for thursday and friday, go and get a £3.50 postal order and send it off to Kent for something i bought on Ebay, and deal with what may possibly be one of the most catasrophic events in my pathetic life. The possible cancellation of our internet.
And I have to do all this, while pretending I'm in a good mood, or I get called a stroppy bitch (or something to that effect) and get whispered, snide comments, WHILE I'M STOOD RIGHT THERE, about a stick up my arse. Now I know how Scott feels.
And now the only place I spill this is on my lj, because all of one person reads it (*squidge*) and she won't go pathetic on the sympathy, which is good.
friends: offline,
friends: polo,
health: physical,
emo rantings of doom: general,
emo rantings of doom: friends