Con Report

Aug 18, 2008 01:57

Date:8th-10th August 2008
Place: Leicester University
Convention: Amecon

(this is really fucking long btw)

Arriving Outfit: Black T-shirt & starry scarf, denim skirt, stripey leggings.

So Thursday morning dawned, as usual not long after I went to bed, we decided to go on the Thursday this year because of all the pre-con stuff and we wanted to prolong the ame experience for as long as we could XD
I got up at 9.30 (after being up 'till 5.30 baking and reading Angel Sanctuary), got dressed and gathered up all my stuff ready to move out.
I had a lot of crap this year, even more than last year and I'd been pretty surprised by the amount I had then XD
Eventually it was all ready to go and we set off - with a couple of minor detours to buy last minute facepaint for Suzaku and pick up my ball underskirt from my brother's.

This year my mum drove me again, though we took Brendon (my brother's fiancée's son) along with us because we were looking after him. We listened to Abba in the car because I wasn't allowed to play anime music XD My singing got louder and more exuberant the closer we got to Leicester.

After arriving I had myself a Subway, stashed my stuff in the room, lamented the single bed (with three of us sharing, ouch), and went wondering looking for people while I waited for my gang to arrive XD

Found plenty of people to talk to - some I already knew, some I didn't, most hanging outside Opal waiting for the pre-con festivities to kick off.

At around 2.30 neomogrox, dbzhobbit and Si finally turned up, there was a stupidly enthusiastic glompy reunion XD and then they had just enough time to drop their stuff off before we set off for Laserquest.
At this point I also handed out my 'lie' cakes (I made fairy cakes and iced 'lie' onto them), they turned out pretty popular and lasted about three seconds XD
Laserquesting was awesome fun! Blue/yaoi team FTW!
We played three games which left us all pretty worn out, and then headed back to Opal to get ready for evening stuff.
This was where I started to get kind of nervous because of my date ^^;

At seven, after getting changed and everything, I went to wait outside with everybody, it was kinda fun actually ^^
Once everybody else had left, dbzhobbit and I ran into KellyJane and friends, who're really good Organisation XIII cosplayers, and we hung around with them for a bit while they were waiting for one of their friends.
Dan was a bit late but it was because of morrisons dramaz and friend stuff so 'twas cool and all. We went to go find somewhere to eat...
...and failed for quite some time, we spent ages wandering around town, eventually we went for Nandos and it was lovely, and stuff, I won't bore you with the sappy details XD
Finally got to bed about 1.30, with the alarm set for the next day, the real start of amecon :D

Thursday Pictures

Running into Puppy, Egotise and Sasuke outside Opal

This lot are all from laserquest

Cosplay: Arthur costume!Suzaku Kururuugi from Code Geass (Episode 9)
Black vest & corset, red tutu, stripey leggings, legwarmers (party)

Friday we got woken at the ungodly hour of 7am by Andy because he had to go move the car, and we all wanted to get ready for the day and get going so we could get to the registration queue sooner and stuff.
So after we finally prod ourselves into movement and vague sense of wakefulness, we all start getting ready - clearly I shouldn't be awake at 7 in the morning because I end up putting Suzaku's eyepatch makeup on the wrong eye, I blame the mirror.

Once we're all ready, at...some point in time... we all head over to the campus. There's already quite a bit of a queue by the time we get there, and we take our places - of course it's not moving yet because we're there before reg opens, and the queue continues to grow behind us.
I have to keep leaving to run over and say hi to people and stuff XD We all get a few pictures taken, and I start to feel like I'm really at a con - Thursday was epic, but being there and in cosplay is what makes it.

When we're quite near the beginning of the queue we get chatting to one of the gophers keeping an eye on it, he was wearing a pacman t-shirt and I ran after him pretending to be one of the ghosts (because I was blue) it was hilarious XD

Finally we get in and get our badges - my con nearly has an extra note of hilarity. It turns out I've been listed as a JUNIOR. This amuses me greatly, juniors are 16-18, I'm 21..
Luckily because I was a 'late joiner' (pff, so wasn't) my conbadge isn't printed and I get to write my own name on an adult one. I kinda wish I'd got the junior one, it would've been hilarious.
"Let me into the yaoi panel!"
"....but you're a junior...."
*yanks ID out of back pocket* "OH am I...?"
....ok well I would've found it hilarious.

So fully badged and bagged up - was nice to see a) cloth bags this year (make a better souvenir) and b) more choice for pocky flavours, I was stuck with milk last year and it was awful, this year I got strawberry NOM. - now I really feel like I'm at a con. The conbadge is the turning point, totally XD

I hang around the steps for a bit while the other guys in my flat go back to change and stuff, I want to stick around and glomp people and take photos - which I do a lot of. Run into plenty of people here. I'd list them but to be honest I just can't remember, I ran into so many people so much over the weekend I can't say where I met half of them XD

I did run into Dan again, and he was headed to Morrisons with Si and Ange, and me and the flatmates were headed Morrisonsways too, so we all went together, which was fun.
I love wandering around 'normal' places in cosplay, you get such strange looks! When we got there there were a hoard of akatsuki cosplayers outside, which amused me greatly.
We got a photo of me as Suzaku looking at cat made me giggle, leave me alone XD
Dan, Kii and I sat outside for a bit waiting for everybody to finish, and got more weird looks - a random old guy came up to us to ask what we were doing and why, he was really cool, when we told him it was a con and just for the fun of it he was all 'well you all look great, good for you, well done!'

After Morrisons we went back to the flat to chill until some of the activities in the evening, and to decide what those activities would be and all that ^^
It was a lot of fun, sitting around in our kitchen half in cosplay, scoffing pringles and drinking coke out of paper cups, some people working on cosplay, others reading the con guide to see what we were going to do. It's moments like those that I absolutely adore, they're so laid back, comfortable, and totally awesome ^^

So after the guys head off to...wherever they ended up going (they were planning on mecha bingo but I think they missed it), Kii and I went to the ear-and-tail workshop and each made ourselves a pair of cat ears, which was a lot of fun, and we made some new friends and had a laugh so yey!
After that was the opening ceremony, though I think only a couple of our group went, I decided to skip it and hung around on the steps making more friends XD and waiting for the Code Geass lot to arrive so we could have our meet.
We got a few, and it was ace, Gainax stole my cat ears to add to his Lelou because they were almost the right colour for the cat!Lelou episode (the same as the cat!Suzu episode, from which I was cosplaying), we took a load of pictures and then headed for pizza hut - though me and Mike, who was cosplaying Gino, decided not to bother going with them and headed back to Opal, though I hear they had a good time (and they all told me off for not going when it was my idea, hehe)

It was almost time for the party to start so we all started getting ready - I set a trend for the rest of the weekend by being ready before everybody else and deciding to see them there. It's an awful habit of mine at conventions that I hate waiting around, so if I'm ready I like to get going - I don't mind hanging about doing nothing at the convention itself (i.e. on campus or in the hotel or whatever), because there's always people to see and stuff, but I always feel like I'm missing stuff if I'm hanging around a hotel room waiting for people to get ready, so I can seem really rude by going "ok guys see you later bye!" - I just can't help it XD

The party was AWESOME, I spent pretty much the whole night hanging around with Dan and all my flatmates and occasionally some of his, nearly constantly on the dance floor, totally rocking out, it was absolutely EPIC, they played loads of really awesome songs and we generally had a fantastic time.

After the party, we all returned to Dav's room (though with a slight detour to retrieve alcohol), we didn't actually stay up there very long, and a few people went to bed, Dan and I ended up staying up outside in the courtyard with Ash and Axms (who we met then and there and who is AWESOME), until eventually we got chilly and went into the common room - all in all we just got drunk and stayed up 'till 6.30, then I ended up crashing on Dan's sofa for two hours (then with him in Danov and Emmie's bed for another half hour)....

Friday Pictures

The Registrations queue of DOOOOOOOOM. ^^

Yey! Fai and Kurogane from Tsubasa, I love these characters

Papercutperfect and sillyxsora as Axel and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2. YEY

Photographic evidence that yes, they did get Vincent into a Haruhi cosplay. WIN.
Haruhi Suzumiya from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Nom nom. Dan, when we were sat outside Morrisons

dbzhobbit cosplaying a Heartless from Kingdom Hearts

Epic! Player one and Player 2 from Ctrl+Alt+Del - they had players 3 and 4 as well, but I didn't get them

Apparently this is 'Big Boss' from Metal Gear Solid...I think I have that right XD

Luke as Monkey from the original sixties Journey to the West. He's no Goku... XD

Second EPIC. Holovirus!Rimmer and Mr. Flibble from Red Dwarf

I didn't actually take this photo, I think Mike must have while I wasn't looking... or I just forgot.
I'm not really sure WHY there's a Genesis, Vincent and Zack in the middle of a whole lot of Sailor Scouts, but... *shrug* why not?

Suzaku Kururuugi and Gino Weinberg
In Code Geass, Gino glomps Suzaku a lot - even though they didn't know each other when Suzaku was dressed like this, we're positive there would be extra glompage if Gino ever saw him in it :D

Cosplay: Zaphkiel from Angel Sanctuary

....and then I stumbled out of bed and back to my flat in order to get changed into my Saturday cosplay :D (See what I did there?)
Hmm...I was really tired Saturday so it's a bit of a blur, and I'm not sure the order I did things, but I can remember the general gist, so bear with me :D

When I woke up on Saturday my voice was practically non-existant, and sounded like a teenage boy going through pubrety most of the day - I was so worried I'd lose it for Sunday when I had to be in the Omake. Tooo much yelling Friday night :D

Let's see...once Kii and I were ready we headed over to the campus, it was a horrible day on Saturday, lots of rain and stuff, so we spent most of it hiding indoors or at least under the cover at the top of the steps, I mostly spent the morning/early afternoon just hanging around there and chatting to people - either with the KH folk with Kii, or with...well anyone I came across who'd chat to me, haha, and then Moonlily when she turned up because she was cosplaying Raziel to match my Zaphkiel (well, if we're getting technical, I cosplayed Zaphkiel to match her Raziel)

We did have plans to do various things on the Saturday but...well didn't really, we were either late or just couldn't be bothered XD That happens to me a lot at amecon but I still have an awesome time ^^

In the afternoon we had the Masquerade briefing, so we had a brief gathering of all the Angel Sanctuary folk (though decided to get photos later on) because we were all in it, it was really quick but it was nice to have a sit down and chill out with everybody while it went on ^^
Then it was time for the dollmeet, I'd forgotten to bring Haruki with me when I left the flat, but luckily Mike and Chibi managed to bring him up for me, YEY.

It was nice in the dollmeet, I didn't talk to loads of people, but everybody I did talk with was awesome - and I got to catch up with the lovely dark_squall which was fun 'cos she's ace :D
I got lots of dollmeet pics but I'm not going to post them here, they're available in several places if you'd like them (If you're reading this on LJ you can find them here, if you're reading on Facebook they're in my Ame albums)

After the dollmeet it was time for the masquerade, which was a lot of fun, meeting up with all the Angel Sanctuary guys and hanging out in the back room waiting to go on - they brought us cold water and it was SO NICE, it did my throat wonders :D
I was shaking so much when we went on! I don't get stage fright or anything, and it was only a walk-along-the-catwalk-and-pose affair, but the adrenaline was combining with my tiredness to get the shakes going ^^;;
It was a lot of fun though! There were some excellent costumes in the masquerade this year, and a lot of my friends were in it too. Unfortunately Jack and Liz had their costumes splattered with ink (I'm still not sure how that one happened, some pen or something..) so they decided not to go on, which was a shame because they looked lovely ^^

After the masquerade Dan and I were supposed to be going on a double date with Danov and Emmie, but the time was short and I ended up having a spaz because of tiredness and having to think too much, which my shattered brain was NOT up for.
After taking a few Angel Sanctuary photos I escaped back to Opal court, had a nice chill out and calmed down a bit, Dan bought me some chicken for dinner yey, and then I headed to the yaoi panel, which was HILARIOUS. Moonlily and I entered the cosplay contest as Zaph and Raz because the two are SO slashable, we didn't win but we got penis-shaped lollies for taking part XD

There was still time to hit the parties and stuff after the yaoi panel but I was just TOO TIRED. I had to style my Ed wig for the next day so I went home to do that, and to relax.
There was a bit of a problem with our proposed Omake skit, it turned out that our Bakura cosplayer wasn't well and she didn't have half her costume (turns out she didn't have a very good con, which is such a pity, she's so lovely *huggles for her*) so she had to drop out, so me and Kii sat in the living room and worked out a new script - it came out pretty well :D A few more YGO Abridged references than we'd originally meant to have, but it wasn't bad for 1am the night before we perform. I love last minute skit writing!

We didn't have a late night Saturday, because I really couldn't have coped with it, haha.

Saturday Pictures

dbzhobbit cosplayed Seifer from Kingdom Hearts 2 on the Saturday.
Look! Seifer's all domestic!

Turkfox/RoxasDance cosplaying Captain John from Torchwood - she was awesome!

Yey an FMA group ^^ I met the Ed and Roy at the dollmeet, they were really nice!
They also were at the yaoi panel, and won the cosplay competition ^^

Cloud has a pretty pink umbrella.
Cloud needs a better weapon XD

A couple of shots Puppy asked me to take of their Inuyasha cosplays ^^

There was a Jareth cosplayer! How awesome is this costume?

Axel, Larxene, Demyx and Saix from Kingdom Hearts 2 - these guys were really, really cool.
They're responsible for 'Demyx Time' - look it up on Youtube.

Ryuichi Sakuma from Gravitation, with Kumagoro! Yey!

LuluRose and Raeyne as Ivy and Raphael from Soul Calibur 4

Jeff Kamiki Jurai as Rociel from Angel Sanctuary

Moonlily as Raziel from Angel Sanctuary

Yey! A Tonberry cosplayer! Her sign got blown backwards just as I took the picture, but it said 'Doink' which made me lol.

Organisation XIII conga line!

Me and Kii really wanted this picture!
Basically, it's like this;
FF8 Seifer: Older than Squall, bad-ass, gunblade wielder, BIG bad guy of the game
KH2 Seifer: Snarky teenager in vest and beanie who calls people 'lamers' and fights with a padded bat.

Now, Squall does feature in Kingdom Hearts, as 'Leon', who is slightly different to FF8 Squall, but he never actually meets Seifer.
What we figure was if FF8!Squall ever came across KH2!Seifer, he would PISS HIMSELF LOLING.
So we got a picture :D

This is a depiction of a scene from dbzhobbit's fic The One Where Roxas Does The Chasing, in which Seifer stalks Leon ....well we only had a Squall, so we borrowed her again :D

Zell Dincht and Irvine Kinneas from Final Fantasy Eight.
It worries me that I have a near-encyclopaedic knowledge of the full names of Squeenix characters, particularly those of Final Fantasy.

Demyx and Riku! We asked them to pose especially for hollow_strife because she is my Riku XD

Saturday happened to fall on AkuDem day, and since KellyJane and Jen were dating, they didn't mind obliging us with an appropriate photo...

Axel demonstrates the best way to defeat the keyblade wielder :D

More AkuDem. For some reason I really like this photo, I think I managed to catch a really good moment, I love the way Demyx is half-obscured by his Sitar.

Demyx was sad, so Saix was ready to comfort him... I can't even remember why he was sad now... XD

Saix and Seifer being weird.... SCAR BUDDIES. XD

My friend Peck as Mario, looking quite scary actually XD

In Demyx Time, Demyx once remarked that his somebody was David Bowie, so knowing that there was a Jareth cosplayer, I HAD to get a picture of them!

Captain John, because I found the pen in my bag and went 'lol I want a picture of you with this'
And turkfox...pulled that face.... because why not? :D

One of the first times you meet Zaphkiel and Raziel, Zaph makes deep statements about how big things are about to happen...then immediately declares that they should go to Disney Land while they still can.
We wanted to recreate it XD

This is AS characters in order of heavenly rank;
Jeff Kamiki Kurai as Rociel, the Inorganic Angel
Devil Chestnut as Setsuna, who is a reincarnation of Rociel's twin sister Alexiel, the Organic Angel - technically Rociel's equal, but god favours him.
me and Zaphkiel, Great one of the Thrones
Moonlily as Raziel, Think Tank Candidate and Zaphkiel's Aide
Crystal Charmer as Kurai, Princess of the Evils of Gehenna (The first level of Hell).

We also had an Alexiel cosplayer, who would've obviously gone ...probably between Setsuna and Rociel, an Uriel, who is an archangel and the Earth elemental, he would've gone...above Zaphkiel I think, and there was also a Gabriel/Jibrille - another Archangel and Water elemental, who would've been equal with Uriel.
They just...weren't with us right then ^^

Zaphkiel is smug and amused, Raziel is pissed. didn't quite work XD

Another recreation of one of our favourite scenes
"Would you mind...if I touched your face?"
Oh it's so cute!
(Zaphkiel is blind you see)

I pinned a cup to my Ed wig to hold the antenna up while it dried, and Kii wrote on it.
The amusing thing is that I didn't think when I took the photo, but that shadowy figure in the background is another Ed (not cosplay-wise, it's actually his name :D)

Cosplay: Duke Devlin from YuGiOh
Edward Elric (Ballgown version) from FullMetal Alchemist (Ball)

Sunday morning Kii and I had to be up and dressed and out of the flat by ten - but I usually work to that sort of schedule at a con anyway, about the only time ever that I will willingly and happily get up at 9am or earlier the entire weekend, because like I say I hate missing stuff ^^

Kii and I had the Omake rehearsal at 10, so after dressing we headed off to that, mostly at first it was sitting around waiting to be called up to talk about what we needed tech wise, and so we could tell them it was just the two of us.
After that was all done we had to go away so they could get the rigging down and sort out the lights, we didn't have a lot of time so we just wandered over to the main building and took a look in the dealer's room.
There was supposed to be a YGO meet at 12, but that was when we had to be back at rehearsal, so we had to miss it - though we did see the other Marik cosplayer, and briefly caught Sazza (yaoipimp) in her Thief King Bakura on the way back, unfortunately we didn't get any pics with her :(

The second lot of rehearsals were actual run throughs to check tech, it was great because it meant we got to see some of the skits that we wouldn't have seen being backstage, and it was a lot of fun ^^ There were some excellent skits this year!
We overran rather a lot, and I hear everybody waiting wasn't having a great time of it, ....but we were having fun in there ^^;;
We retired to the green room while everybody got into the hall and stuff, and had even more epic times - hanging out with Chibi, Danov, Emmie, Jenny-chan and everybody was SO much fun, there was molestations and hilarious times galore, I seriously love con people - put a bunch of us in a room, hyper with pre-performance adrenaline, and the lot of us will have the best time EVER whether we know each other or not!
There was a total sense of performer solidarity that I really liked ^^

The Omake left us on a total high, the skit went really well and we got loads of compliments for it, I was SO HAPPY.
The skit has been uploaded onto youtube, so for your viewing pleasure it is here:

image Click to view

After the Omake we hung around chatting to people for a bit, then some people headed for the closing ceremony, while I went back to the flat to have a rest, soak my feet for a bit and listen to some music, I decided I could do with a slow and easy ball preparation this year XD

So after having a nice long foot-soak (and a slight unscheduled snooze XD) I had a shower and then did the whole make up and hair thing (well, wig :D), I was half ready when everybody else returned from the closing ceremony, and of course as per usual I headed over on my own because I was ready first XD

I ran into Plushie and the other Bakas in the Opal courtyard though, so I walked up with them.

The ball was ...fantastic, really awesome, I was SO happy with my dress, and I ran into a whole bunch of other FMA cosplayers that I spent half the night hanging with - I got dances with Roy, Hughes, Hawkeye and Al cosplayers, I also danced with Dan (He got the first dance ^^, unfortunately I only danced with him once, I wish we'd had more chance but oh well, there's always the International Cosplay Ball XD), Moonlily, Sadie, Terandir, Kii, Darksquall.... some other people, apologies if I've missed you out ^^
Much more than I got to dance last year, so yey!

After the ball it became the party, which was awesome, unfortunately I couldn't really dance because a) my feet were KILLING ME DEAD, and b) I..couldn't wear a bra with my dress, so my boobs were kinda...propped up on my corset, so I couldn't actually rock out without ..y'know, rocking OUT. XD
But I sat in the corner with Kii-chan and a few other folk, and then Dan turned up and sat with us so that was nice ^^ snuggly times yey!
Me and Kii stole helium balloons and sat entertaining ourselves FAR too much singing under the influence of them XD

When the party ended I ran around hugging the crap out of everybody I could find that I knew, JUST in case I didn't see them before I left. PCD started to hit a little then, because that was the end of the con, really... only not really because it's STILL NOT OVER. HONEST. NO REALLY.
We headed back to Opal Court, and some people headed over to Digi's flat, but I had already shed my corset and was just too tired, so I sat around in the living room for a bit and then went to bed ^^

Sunday Pictures

Kii as Marik from YuGiOh with the other Marik cosplayer, though it works if we pretend they're Marik and Malik XD

Marik rocks out, HELL YEA. I actually don't even know what Kii's..uh...rod-guitaring too here...I can't remember!

Duke wants your diiiiiice

Rabi says you can no has dice!
Chibi as Rabi En Rose from Digi Charat

Rabi En Rose and....Dejiko? Something like that? Chibi and Emmie in their Digi Charat cosplays.

Yey! Seto Kaiba from YuGiOh

Marik tries to control Kaiba with the rod. Kaiba is unimpressed

Kii takes photo while we're unprepared and manages to cut Kaiba's head off too.

That's better.
Kaiba and Duke are both teenage game company CEOs, worship us!

Two Link cosplayers, both of them mid-lol because of KellyJane doing...something to make them laugh, I can't remember what

Obviously not topless right now.
This guy was an absolute legend.

Roy Mustang, Edward Elric and Maes Hughes from FullMetal Alchemist.
So happy to find FMA cosplayers at the ball :D

Roy and Ed get a bit heated as per usual, and Hughes tries to make them calm down before stuff starts getting wrecked.

RoyHughes! YEY! hahaha

I needed at least ONE picture of it XD

Jae, Terandir and Viewtiful D as classy Rocket Grunts and their Mightyena (..I think I spelt that right)

A full shot of my Ed gown with the classic I'm-just-about-to-do-alchemy-and-probably-cause-structural-damage Ed pose.

Me and Plushie, who was looking rather dashing at the ball this year!

I managed to snap Roy and Hughes dancing, now there's a pairing we all know and love XD

Kii cosplaying Cissnei and Frains cosplaying Zack, from Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
Their 'Shinra Night Out: Before' shot

Joined by Papercutperfect as formal!Cloud

and their 'Shinra Night Out: After' shot XD

Alphonse Elric and his old bro...wait a minute, something's wrong there... hehe

This picture doesn't work as well on it's own as it should, though it turns into a cute mini-photostory.
Roy is very happy about something, I wonder what it could be...

....well ok, but it's quite hard to pull off 'tiny miniskirt' when one's wearing a full length skirt and petticoat

Roy, Ed and Homunculus!Al - ready for battle by the looks of it!

Towards the end of the night I got a lovely picture with Dan - that would've been much lovelier if it wasn't towards the end of the night XD I was looking a bit worse for wear.
Dan still looks flawless, how the fuck does he do that?

...heh, I put my hair into the wig cap wet so that it stayed in better, but this is what happened when I removed it...

Outfit: arriving t-shirt, jeans, kitty ears.

Monday morning was pretty hectic, getting everything packed up, running around to say goodbye, a massive game of tetris to fit everything in the car!
We had a few back-and-forths between the car and the room, and I spent a bit of time running around hugging people goodbye...most of the people I'd said goodbye to the night before, actually, but oh well!
Eventually we managed to squeeze everything into Andy's car, though Peck had to take Mike's stuff, and we all set off, very snug amongst the luggage, haha.

The road trip was kinda fun, we watched about half an hour of Conqueror of Shambala until the laptop battery ran out, and we stopped at a service station to have a run around and picnicked with our wimpy on the grass - damn but wimpy is expensive!!

When we got back to my house I made the guys show me their badges before I let them in XD Yes we were still pretending we were at the con, so what? ^^

They stayed for a bit and had a drink but then they had to leave me allllll aloooooone.

I was kinda sad to see them go, because that meant it was all over...

Seriously though, I had an absolutely WONDERFUL con and even though I didn't do a lot, and I was shattered all day Saturday, and it rained... it was BRILLIANT. It was SO great to see all my Bristol friends and hang out with them, and LOVELY to see so many con and internet people, thank you SO MUCH, ALL OF YOU, you made it an AMAZING CON.

Monday Pictures

Good morning everybody! Everybody's mid-packing and gathering up their stuff from the living area, while Andy's...still in bed XD

Ninja photo of Mart XD

The BAC lot preparing to leave, I decide to snap a picture as I say bye...BECAUSE I CAN.

Kii and I were waiting the Opal courtyard... we did a fair bit of waiting at points on Monday morning XD

Andy is a massive Thunderbirds fan, so yea XD
Maybe next con he'll take Thunderbird 2, hopefully THAT'll take all the luggage!

Andy and Si while we had our little wimpy picnic, it was rather pleasant.

Kitty ears and a con badge. I'M STILL AT THE CON DAMNIT! haha

Once again THANK YOU ALL.
Also, cookies and JOY if you managed to get all the way through that one, it was pretty epic!! (Also, if you spot any mistakes, please let me know, I managed to scan through and make sure all my links and things were correct, but there's a lot there I can't catch everything XD)

friends: online, life: play, sexings: relationships, hobbies: baking, geekfest: ame, nerdery: being a dork, friends: offline, nerdery: anime, friends: bristol crew

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