Bristol Comic Expo

May 11, 2008 01:10

Hey guys!
Lovely geeky day today, Expo followed by Doctor Who followed by Iron Man (again). All of which was AWESOME.
Had a good time at expo mostly just chilling out, cosplaying Euphemia from Code Geass, bought nothing but Zero!Lelou and Karen action figures, YEY. (The latter is good cosplay reference, see? XD)
I can't be bothered to write up a proper con report, but I didn't want to just link to my pictures, I wanna write about them! So yea, pictures!

First off, lemme just say that because of deleting other pics and random stuffage, these aren't in order, so deal with it XD
Second, all these images can be found here for your browsing/yoinking pleasure. If it asks for a password, it's 'looky'.

Mart in his Reno cosplay, one of two pics on my cam taken by Chibs (since she didn't have a cam with her)

It's a dodgy pic and hard to see what's going on, but the L was hopping around behind the Storm Troopers and it was properly making us lol.

Weee, it's Ren/Len from Shaman King! Man I love the weapon (*has forgotten name. Bugger*). This guy is SIXTEEN! It was hilarious, me and Ki-chan ran over and fangirled, and later on he was like "I got fangirled my older, mature women!"
Hahahaha mature and fangirl in the same sentence? I think not.

Weee a Kadaj! Seems to have misplaced Jenova's head though, what a careless son XD

dbzhobbit as Haruhi, a character on the lookout for 'Aliens, time-travellers, espers or sliders' - she's hit the jackpot with the Doctor, two in one!

Ryo-oh-ki! SQUEE!
I'm tempted to go back to expo tomorrow because Rach is doing Beast (!!) and I really wanna see. Though she said she'll be wearing it to London expo so maybe I'll wait XD

Haruhi and Reno face off.
I'm not quite sure why Reno's stolen Link's master sword, and Haruhi has Reno's baton, but oh well.
Mart had a mini plastic police baton that squeaked, because why not.

Omg jackpot again! XD And also, 4th Doctor ftw. A 4th Doctor who actually was carrying around a bag of jelly babies no less, that's attention to detail!

Roy Mustang! (Newly friended dark_squall) why is there only ever a Roy around when I'm not Ed? XD

Just getting off the bus on the way home there was something that made us giggle.
Code Geass, where my character is from, features the empire of Britannia, and my character is in fact the princess Euphemia Li Britannia. So, lol.

Chibi's other Reno snap

Death Note group! Mello, Near, Misa and L
I yelled over to these guys "Can I get a picture? It's ok, you don't have to get up!"
Partly because I couldn't be bothered to get up either.

Wee an Ed! And she was short too. Though didn't respond when I told her so, pff. XD

(from right) Jake as Seymour, Auron and ...some guy from something XD He originally didn't wanan get in 'cos he wasn't from FF10, but I said screw it anyways.

4th Doctor again, or not, since this was taken first. Wibbly wobbly.

FF10 girls! I kinda wish the guy from the FF10 guy group had been another FF character (Squall would've been ace), so it's like two 10 and one other in both pics.
Either way, Rikku, Yuna and Rinoa ftw ^^

This was so funny, I was sat down, chilling out, when Liz goes "Hey, Shini, there's a Gambit."
Queue me. My head shoots up, I yell "GAMBIT!?" and everyone around me laughs, said Gambit looks quite scared, but is nice enough when I run over to glomp him ^^

And ok I had to fangirl a bit... I don't usually get pics with cosplayers unless it's like a group thing, but they twisted my arm! ...Well ok they suggested it. But it's Gambit! ^^

yea that's all, just a few but I thought I'd share

friends: online, nerdery: anime, geekfest: other, friends: bristol crew, nerdery: being a dork

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