So, I just saw on my thing 'last updated four weeks ago', and every time I come on there's that horrible bitchy post staring me in the face and it just won't do I tell you!
I'm going through one of my LJ phases again, you can tell because when I go into my gmail the last like...ten emails are all comment notifications. Weee
I've got into Macros at the moment, they're fun, fun I say!
I've spent a lot of time browsing 'icanhascheezburger' - hilarious cat macros, and oooh so cute
and I've spent *ages* on
ihasatardis, 'cos, Doctor Who macros win at life.
Not that I made any Dr Who ones yet.
I did, however, make a lot of Heroes ones!
Because my dear friend
ferretwho wanted to make a Heroes Macro site, like ihasatardis, but didn't think much of her moderating skills. I volunteered my services and the rest, as they say, is history.
For what good it will do to post here, check it out!!
heroes_macros go there and be merry!!
I have a couple of other macros I made that I'm waiting to post, I don't want to post too many at once, heee, but it's safe to say I'm getting quite carried away at the moment :D
So anyhookins, that's about it for updates - oh, apart from I'm home at my mummy's house ^_^
oh, and OMGFGGFLARBLE in response to
a) The latest Dr Who, I died, screamed and squeed all at once.
b) A certain piece of Torchwood casting news. *g*