
Jun 17, 2006 02:03

Summer has been completely amazing. And thats to say the least. I mean, every waking moment is an excuse to go out, to do something, I've been working, going out with Kezia and pretty much spending 24/7 with her, because she's leaving me on tuesday :( We went to the beach on the Thursday that school was over, which was pretty much the happiest day of my life, and numerous other activites have happened as well, such as my brother's graduation party, bonfires -_^, work work work, guitar hero, and all that other good stuff. I love Kezia so much, and we've grown so close this year, it's going to be so hard watching her leave me for almost 3 months. But it's okay, cause she's coming back :) and thats all that matters.

Today I had a strange thought. I was sitting on my hammock at around 1AM, thinking about summer in general. How many plans FNK had, or just Emmanuel, Roldan, and I in general, had for the summer. How they'll probably go through with everything, and thinking about whether they foresaw our current situation... Where they humoring me and just lying to my face? Of course I wonder if they ever think about how things used to be, but from the looks of it, I'm forgotten. And I understand what I did, but if they can't get over that, especially when I admitted what I did wrong and explained myself, I don't think they can get over much else, granted i were to do something wrong again. Whatever. Life goes on, and like I said before, if I was that easy to forget, who says I ever meant anything to them in the first place?

I cannot wait for summer to unfold. still so many things to do, and so many people to see. I love summer and the weather and attitudes it brings. I start my new job at the police department a week from monday, and I'm thinking of applying at coldstone or starbucks. money money money is what i need. and i need to lose a few pounds. but thats besides the point.

then there's ryan :) he makes me smile and makes me feel like being myself is okay :) and i can still be dorky and burp but still be cute. his blue eyes make me melt ^_^

poms camp starts next week. i didnt fill out my forms =/ joy.

sometimes i wish you would miss me just a little teeny bit.
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