What the hell is going on with this country. Since when are politicians elected based on pure popularity? We have a formoer wrestler heading up one state. And an aging action star heading up another. I'm not saying that Arnold wasn't a good choice, on the contrary I'd much rather have him in office than Gary coleman. There comes a point however when I question the voting system in this country. I don't think that the voters of america really look at the facts when they hit the ballots. Primary considerations are party loyalties, followed by what they know from the media.
Everyday I have but one thing to look foward to and that's my Email from dailymislead.org. A nifty little site that updates on bush's latest and greatest feats of mismanagement. Things like the war in Iraq was in the works just days after the sept 11 incident, how dubya's promise to make education his top priority has become just another case of empty promises seeing as the latest budget cllas for a mere 0.3% increase in federal funding for education. The lowest increase in 7 years full scoop here >
http://www.misleader.org/daily_mislead/read.asp?fn=df10072003.html < Wanna know why america hadn't taken out saddam sooner? You can thank Bush Sr. for that. HE foresaw that he could never be brought down peacefully, if he were ever found at all, and that by usurping him it would involve a prolonged stay and US occupation that would alienate allies, and inccur a debt that would while not cripple us could surely hurt.
For all you asses that say war is good for the economy, gues what!? So are JOBS, increased educational funding, social programs etc. I say it's due time to start fresh, tear down the government and rebuild from the ground up. Consititution and all. Why are we still following a piece of parchment that was drawn up 200 years ago. Do you still churn your own butter? I think it's time to begin anew. Fuckitall. We're living in a country that's rebuilding other countries hospitals and school when we're short on schools ourselves. America should concentrate on making sure everything in the country is near perfection before it decides to play mr fixit to the rest of the world. It's like going to a dentist who has one tooth. Doesn't seem right.
It's almost 4am I've been up since 6 am my minds a mess, my shoulders and back are in knots, I think it's time for sleep. Join the revolution, just say no to backwards politics.