[Private // hackable]
That time, after I dueled Satou... after he fell down the crevasse, I was half-exhausted and perhaps half-mortified as well. It was far more serious of a match than I'd ever bargained for. It brought up the question of so many weak points I had no idea even existed...
...Next thing I knew, Johan was there. I must have passed out sometime after the duel, and he found me.
The conversation took a turn... I couldn't get Satou's words out of my head. So I asked him about it, very tangentially, and he told me his dream, with the promise that I wouldn't tell anyone.
...Maybe... there truly was something between us, if he felt comfortable enough to confide such a thing in me.
Then... perhaps I will keep that promise, for now.
Nrrgh. How am I supposed to do this, to work effectively, if these emotions keep getting in the way?!
At least, I can take solace in the fact that she still doesn't know where we've gone yet, however. How long this will last, I don't know... but I'm afraid I may be making a liar out of myself after all, if these kinds of memories keep returning.
Though, strange, I remember at the very end of the conversation... the sound of something mechanical rumbling, like an engine. And then it simply cuts off...
((OOC: 1% memory from Christmas spent on Johan telling Juudai his dream of uniting spirits and humans directly after the Satou duel, because it's a small thing and I can do that. |D 15% total, 1% remaining.))