(no subject)

Jun 25, 2009 21:45

 Aww, RIP Michael Jackson.  You made some good tunes in the 80's.

News!  I abandoned the 2nd job search, but I started to work at 2 Hallmark locations, so I get a little extra money, not much, but every little bit helps.

Nothing too exciting has happened in my personal life.  I went to see the Reds beat the Braves, even though I don't like baseball.  I saw The Proposal, which is surprisingly a very good movie.  And, that's about it, haha.

I need to find a day next month to head up to Bowling Green to go on a job search for when I'm at school, and hopefully it'll be a job I can keep for the next 3 years.

The only exciting thing I have planned is going to the Cincinnati Warped Tour.  I'll be there to help out Jac Vanek and Victory Records.

Anyways, PEACE.
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