Title: Home Sweet Home
darkenedcornersRating: PG-13
Pairing: N/A
POV: 3rd
Summary: The boys rent a house between tours. Documented below is what happens when they're not sleeping and the fridge is empty.
Disclaimer: I made this up.
Author Notes: This fic is dedicated to
wake_ofsaturday Happy birthday baby! You don't know how happy I am to have you as a friend (:
*sidenote: I have problems continuously writing a "good" fic. So I decided to separate it by a moment a day.
November 18th
"I didn't know there were that many shades of grey…" Spencer said rummaging through Ryan's "grey" box of scarves.
Jon walks by staring straight ahead, "I didn't know there were that many shades of gay."
November 19th
"No seriously though what would happen?" Brendon ponders leaning his head on Ryan's shoulder. Ryan's about had it and shoves Brendon off of him and marches into the next room dragging his friend my the sleeve of his shirt. He enters the living room and shoves Brendon against the couch next to Spencer. "You gave him that stupid "think out side of the box" book! You deal with him!."
Spencer smiles and turns towards Brendon, "So what's on your mind, kid?"
"Ok so kangaroos."
Spencer rolls his eyes and sighs.
November 20th
"Spencer come taste this,"
Spencer walks over to Jon who has a spoon in either hand.
"Tell me which one taste better."
"Hm, ok," Spencer says taking the spoon in his right hand and pushes it into his mouth.
"What is-"
Spencer doubles over spitting brown goop all over the floor.
"What the fuck-" he spits, running to the sink and sticking his face under the faucet
"The fuck did I just eat!?"
"Cat food, I don't know which one I should start buying..." Jon says tasting a bit of the food off the spoon left in his hand.
Spencer furrows his eye brows and gives him the "are you a fucking idiot" look and walks away shaking his head.
Brendon walks in stopping in the middle of the kitchen next to the food on the floor.
"I just fucking cleaned this guys!"
November 21st
Spencer, Jon, and Ryan all turn their heads form their seated position towards the door. Brendon stumbles in, bags up to his elbow, car keys dangling by his lips, and a giant packaged turkey jammed between his chest and arm.
He spits the keys to the ground, looking up, "So who knows how to cook?"
November 22nd
Brendon sits hunched over the table mashing his fork into his turkey.
"Bren, I think it tastes good," Ryan mumbles stuffing way to much food into his mouth. Spencer swallows his drink and adds,"Yeah B, my mom always burnt the turkey, not that this is burn! but you know.. i've kinda grown accustomed to it." Ryan glares down spencer. Jon pipes up from across the table, "I think it adds a nice crunch."
Brendon looks at them all not sure what emotion to be feeling. Ryan sighs at the lack of compassion given by his band mates. "Brendon, if it weren't for you we'd be eating chinese food right now. This is way better." a bunch of murmur and agreements are herd around the table and Brendon smiles a bit, stuffing mashed up thanksgiving meal into his mouth.
November 23rd
Ryan folds his arms and turns his head towards the door, "Brendon, if you don't take that tail off in three seconds i'm never touching you again." Brendon looks behind his back with knitted eyebrows, then turns back around to face Ryan shyly, "But they match the ears."
November 24th
"Brendon!" Ryan screams from across the house.
Brendon was startled, and ripped the paper he was writing on. He mumbled under his breath.
"What?" He yelled back, picking up another piece of paper.
"Come here!"
"Not now,"
"Right now!"
"Ryan!" Brendon groaned getting up to walk across the house to Ryan's room.
"Wha-" Brendon stops in his tracks as Ryan runs up to him, stand too close, and pushes two scarves in Brendon's face.
"Which one goes best with this eyeliner?"
November 25th
Spencer regrets evesdropping on Brendon and Ryan: "Of course there'd be a panic at the disco! Disco sucks!"
November 26th
Brendon slams the refrigerator door in frustration, "Spence, who's turn is it to go shopping?"
Spencer answers eye's closed, with feet propped up on the couch, "Ask Ryan,"
Brendon huffs and walks to the other room where Jon sits staring at his laptop.
"Whose turn is it to go shopping?"
"I think it's Ryan's" He mumbles not peeling his eye's away from the screen of stupid cat pictures.
Brendon moans and moves towards Ryan's door. He knocks on it hard, "Ryan!"
"Ryan!" Brendon yells, getting stopped short by the sound of a clicking lock.
Brendon goes to grab his coat, his bag and his wallet and ignores Spencer's commentary on his way out the door. He then proceeds to but the best food 32$ can buy and refuses to let anyone eat any of it for the next two weeks.
November 27th
R: "Stop talking!"
B: "Stop Yelling"
S: "Both of you shut the fuck up!"
J: "Be quiet!"
S: "No one's talking to you!"
B: "No one was talking to YOU!"
R: "Get out of here!"
J: "Shut up I can be here if I want!"
B: "No you can't!"
S: "Why would you want to!"
J: "I don't!"
R: "Then get out!"
J: "Don't tell me what to do!"
R: "I'll do whatever the fuck I want!"
B: "I'll show both of you what the fuck to do!"
R&J: "What?"
B: "Aruh! Just shut up!"
S: "How about you shut up!"
B: "I wasn't talking to you!"
S: "But I was talking to you!"
R: "Don't even bother talking to him!"
S: "I'm gonna talk to him If I want!"
B: "No you won't!"
J: "Oh my god! Shut UP!"
B: "You shut uP!"
R&S: "Both of you shut the fuck up!"
B: "I forgot who I was yelling at!"
J: "You were yelling at me!"
B: "No I wasn't!"
R: "Yes you were!"
B: "Shut up! I think I would know who I was yelling at!"
J: "But You said!-"
S: "Jon!-"
J: "Don't yell at me!"
R: "Are you serious!?"
B: "No!"
R: "I wasn't talking to you!"
B: "I know you were yelling at me!"
J: "No I was yelling at you!"
R: "Stop talking!"
B: "Stop yelling!"
November 28th
Spencer lazily walks into Ryan's room shaking him out of sleep.
"Ryan, get up," he says groaning. Ryan mumbles something against his pillow and turns over.
"Ry," Spencer insists,
"What," Ryan said slowly opening his eyes to look at Spencer.
"Brendon can't sleep"
"what? so?" Ryan said turing back onto his stomach.
"If Bren can't sleep we all need to suffer equally, come on,"
"erhm" Ryan moans slowly getting out of bed.
"And anyway, you know how to put him to sleep better then any of us." As they walk down they hall they have a whole conversation about getting their friend to sleep.
"Did you give him tea?"
"Yes, Chai tea, with two and a half Tbs of honey."
"Did you try a different pillow case"
"What about-"
"We tried everything!"
"Did you rub his back?"
"Ye-uh, what? no,"
Ryan sighs as he walks into the living room to be faced with Brendon sitting on the edge of the couch, elbows on knees. And Jon curled up into the couch with his head on the arm rest.
Spencer sits down on a chair and Ryan plops down next to the boy with bags under his eyes.
"Hey, Bren," Ryan says lightly reaching an arm over the scratch his fingers slowly up and down
Brendon's back.
"Hi," He whispers back. Ryan motions to Spencer to go back to bed. Spencer gets up and pulls a mumbly Jon off the couch(which is like lifting a sleeping cat) and drags him out of the room.
Ryan leans back against the couch while Brendon curls his legs up and leans against the boy next to him, still exposing his back, which Ryan is rubbing circles into.
"Thanks," Brendon whispers. Ryan smiles and leans his head against the other boy's.
"Next time don't bother Spencer or Jon, ok? Just come into my room and lye down next to me and i'll help you back to sleep, no use waking the unskilled," Ryan smiles at his last words and looks down at Brendon, who gone limp against him with eyes closed.
November 29th
J: "Did you know a domestic cat can run 31 miles an hour?"
B: "No"
J: "Did you know runners who wear the knee high compression socks run 6.1% faster on a treadmill than runners wearing normal socks"
B: "I did not"
J: "Did you know the design on the side or ankle of a sock is known as a clock."
B: ""
J: "What about that the lifetime of each bulb on Big Ben is 60,000 hours"
R: "What are you guys talking about?"
B: "Leave before you regret it"
J: "Hey Ry, did you kno-
B: "Run."
November 30th
"Whose more attractive? Hawk eye or Iron Man?" Brendon asks Ryan half way through the movie.
"i'm not answering that." Ryan dead-pans.
"No seriously,"
Jon jumps In from across the room "Neither, Thor's the best looking, have you seen his arms?"
"No its definitely loki!" Yells Spencer from the kitchen. Ryan signs getting up to walk outside "You're all wrong... it's, Captain America."
Brendon smirks.
December 1st
It's four In the morning when Ryan stumbles out of bed. He smells cookies baking and the closer he gets to the living room the louder the sound of Shania Twains christmas album gets. He steps in from the hall an is blinded by multi-colored lights (which hes pretty sure are the colors for halloween) he rubs his eyes and focuses in on Brendon balancing on a ladder and smiling down at him.
"You said I could start decorating in december." he smiles and goes
Back to stringing lights. Ryan grins shaking his head and lying down on the couch to watch Brendon start off yet another crazy month in this house.
*Again, Happy birthday dear! Hope you enjoyed it <3