Character Profile

Aug 15, 2010 17:03

[Character Name] Ragna the Bloodedge
[Canon] Blazblue Series
[Point Taken from Canon] Post-Calamity Trigger

[Age] 19
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] For some reason the game implies he's a pedophile.

[Eye Color] He has one red eye and one green eye.
[Hair Color] Previously blond, currently silver.
[Height]  6"0
[Other] His right arm is fake.


Ragna used to live in a church with his siblings Saya and Jin. He was watched over by Nine’s sister and Jubei. He was the eldest of the three so he had the responsibility of taking care of Saya when she was ill. He had no time to play with Jin, so Jin slowly strayed off the path of sanity. Jin grew jealous of Saya because he had wanted the attention that Ragna was giving her. One day Jin attacked Ragna, hacked off his right arm, burned the church down, and kidnapped Saya. Ragna was unconscious for ten days following the attack. Rachel gives him the Grimoire so that he could survive. He suffers from heterochromia. His left eye became red due to him being a half vampire. It is implied that he was bitten by Rachel. His arm has been replaced entirely by the Grimoire.

After he regains consciousness, Jubei teaches him how to use Armagus. Jubei stresses that the power of the Armagus is not his own and he shouldn’t rely on it. During his training, Jubei gives Ragna a coat and a blood-scythe. He explains that it was originally from a man named Bloodedge and he was a true hero. Rachel begins to address Ragna as “Ragna the Bloodedge.” Ragna leaves the church and begins to search for Jin. He intends on killing him and he won’t forgive Jin for destroying their peaceful life. Ragna then sets out to destroy various NOL branches making him an SS Class bounty. He gave himself the title “The Grim Reaper” and he is feared by the cooperation who basically owns the world. He's a powerful individual.

Ragna is essentially the Black Beast’s body. If he fused with the heart (V-13) at the cauldron, the Black Beast would be reborn and thus the world would be looped again. The six heroes would re-emerge and the world’s population would be destroyed again. Ragna can be known as “The destroyer of the world.” He has the power to destroy the order that locks the world but he isn't aware of his position yet. The world is stuck in constant time loops, and he isn't aware of them.

He has nightmares on various occasions. Rachel wakes him up and scolds him for sleeping in such a dreaded place. They fight but Valkenhayne tells him off and eventually, Ragna does so. He wanders around and he finds himself literally bitching about Rachel. By the time he realizes it he's at the NOL base. His goal is to destroy the Library branches so he decides to go in undetected. He uses the elevator to reach the lowest level and he's impatient while it's reaching it's destination.

As he finally descended into the lower levels, he comes across Arakune and notices he's harnessing power from the boundary. He wanted to end Arakune's life due to his obsession with 'Azure' but is stopped by Litchi. She somehow convinces Ragna to cease his attacks. Surprisingly enough he complies to her wishes. He then curses himself for being a 'softy'.

He leaves and decides to continue raiding the NOL base. As soon as he opened a door, he came across his little brother Jin. Suddenly, Ragna was enraged at the sight of him. Jin was the one who ruined his life, and he doesn't plan on forgiving him..ever. He spars with Jin as a sibling rivalry thing. Ragna had the upper hand but decided to not finish him off because he wanted answers from him. Jin laughs at that and says he's getting soft. Ragna walks away again, and yells at his good nature once more.

As soon as he reaches the Sheol Gate he comes across a man wearing a mask, Hakumen. Ragna gets this weird feeling of Dejavu but that's because Hakumen IS Jin's alternate personality from another time line. He nearly gets done in by Hakumen since he's overpowered by his blade. He's stunned by fear and can't move. Jubei stops Hakumen's attack and he disappears due to the Grimalkin's interference. Jubei warns Ragna about the danger in the cauldron but he's vague and cryptic about it. Ragna laughs because Jubei wasn't being very helpful. But at any rate he continues on towards the cauldron, not being aware of what awaits him there.

When he finally comes across the cauldron, he arrived a bit too late. V-13 was waiting for him there wanting to fuse with him to create the Black Beast. He intended on winning but instead he nearly fuses with V-13 and almost becomes the Black Beast. The loop was broken when Noel Vermillion pulled him out of the cauldron before they fused together. The real mastermind was revealed to be Terumi. He had possessed Jin at the start of the story and he was the one who presumably attacked the church. Ragna swears to kill him but he is stopped by Rachel.

Ragna has a foul mouth. He often draws attention to himself whether he intends to or not. He’s vulgar and can sometimes be inconsiderate towards others. Ragna can be stubborn to the point where it’s annoying. He’s highly self reliant and he will often refuse the help of others. He hardly ever plans ahead for things and he’s just the type of person who deals with what comes at him. Ragna’s “Charge ahead” attitude often gets him into trouble, but he can find his own solution to them by using his own brute strength.

He may have his ideals straight in his head but he is prone to distractions. He is never completely focused on the same thing for too long. His mind tends to wander in various directions and he hates that. Ragna curses himself for being too nice to other people because that’s not what he’s supposed to be in the eyes of the public. According to the public he’s the strongest bad guy, and he wants to keep it that way. He’s cocky, arrogant and he wants to live up to his own standards.

He’s a laid back character considering his position in the game. Ragna is the most wanted man in the world, but he doesn’t seem to care much about that. Instead of wasting time worrying what other people will think of him, he’ll set goals for himself. Ragna disregards other people’s opinions and places his opinion before theirs. He knows how to take a joke or two in a friendly manner. He may be social but he isn’t always in the best mood.

Ragna can be obliviously stupid at times. He easily gets provoked and he often starts arguments for no apparent reason. He constantly calls Rachel a rabbit because of the way she ties her hair up. Every so often he’ll address her by her real name but it’s highly unlikely. He is educated and you can see it in his speech. He has a large vocabulary set and he's seemingly intelligence. I'm going to speculate and say that he was educated through Rachel. His attention span is quite low and he finds it difficult to follow along to conversations. He's easily angered.

It’s in his nature to rebel against any authority that stands in his way. His reasoning for this may be because he grew to hate everything after he failed to protect who and what he cared about. He had no time to think or react. Losing everything, and being unable to preserve everything is what Ragna feared. It is because he has ‘weaknesses’ that he puts on a mask. In reality he not a bad person, he feeds Taokaka meat dishes and he won’t lie about anything. He may prefer to keep some things confidential though. He’s often misunderstood by the general public as they think he’s a scary demon with no morals. He is far from what you would expect from him.

Earlier in his life, he was a big brother to both Saya and Jin. He can understand compassion and sympathy. An example of this is when Litchi asks him to let Arakune live. Litchi was straightforward, honest, and Ragna himself admits that he is no match for it. He lets Litchi have her way and wishes her luck saving him. “You’re soft brother” Is how Jin would explain this phenomenon.

He doesn't get enough credit for his own intelligence because it's often overlooked by his constant aggravation.


Ragna’s quite powerful as he was trained under the direction of Jubei, one of the six heroes. He has access to one of the imitation Grimoire’s. It serves as a replacement for his missing arm and as one of his weapons. Being a half-vampire allows him to channel Seithr into his Armagus more efficiently. He has enough strength to take down squads of soldiers. Ragna’s main element is darkness. Since he essentially is the body of the Black Beast, his attacks consist of summoning parts of it. As a last resort he will transform his body completely into pure darkness and use it as a weapon to attack his enemy.

He obtained the Blood Scythe through Jubei. It’s capable of sucking the life out of the enemy’s stamina and adding it to the wielder. The Scythe is normally in the form of a giant sword.

[Affection] I do not ship him :| /weep
[Fighting] With this type of character, I encourage it.

[Other Permissions] He's rather idiotic so I say go for it, though he might not agree with it the mun allows it!

[Other Facts] He's a derp.

!profile meme, !som

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