Dream 01

Aug 22, 2010 00:05

Warnings: It involves someone's arm being severed, screaming, language, gore  yeah.. everything is just really suggestive. Keep the kids away.
Dream Effects: Shock, confusion, helplessness, immense pain, followed by regret and hatred. 
Notes: The second part has two voices to it, but he's not sure who's talking so I've colored the text to avoid ( Read more... )

so maybe i lied, 20% head canon, my name isn't jin dammit, god dammit somarium, dream, he's really a derp, this place is a living nightmare

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shines_bright August 23 2010, 04:11:13 UTC
[Lightning couldn't sleep after the little Castle incident, and so has seated herself at the dining table in the kitchen of her apartment. She didn't even know that Ragna was there until she heard the rustling of sheets and deep, agonized groaning and panting in the other room.

She figured that he must have been dreaming, and her curiosity outweighed her morals about not invading the privacy of other citizens here as she grasped her Dreamberry from the far side of the table to watch it. She was quickly able to tell that this wasn't just any dream...it was a nightmare and quite possible a memory.

She dials the number to his Dreamberry. Her intentions are to wake him from his fitful sleep and she personally doesn't care if he decides to answer or not. She just wants to stop the other's suffering, if only for a moment.]


darkenedbeast August 23 2010, 04:20:01 UTC
[He's woken up but he's still startled. He moves his right arm to confirm if it's there. It moves. Shit.]

Not this dream again...sorry was I too loud?


shines_bright August 23 2010, 04:29:00 UTC
No, you can be as loud as you want. I don't care.

[She sighs, just a tad confused by that response. What kind of person would wake someone who's having a nightmare up just because they're being too loud? Like, damn.]

Do you have that dream frequently?


darkenedbeast August 23 2010, 04:37:38 UTC
Yeah...it's like my past is taunting me. God dammit..I don't need to be reminded of how much of failure I was back then. I was an awful older brother. I took my life for granted yet...I didn't know how to preserve any of it.

I hate myself for not being able to do shit when it matters the most. DAMN, DAMN, DAMN, DAMMIT TO HELL! Ugh, if only I had realized sooner. Maybe if I wasn't so weak. Hmph..Jin always said 'You're soft brother, that's why you can't protect anything.' Maybe he was right. Argh, god dammit. Why am I even talking about my bullshit with you? Shit, I'm an idiot..


shines_bright August 25 2010, 01:02:40 UTC
[She sits silently, waiting for the man to finish his little rant. She's tempted to simply agree with his "idiot" comment, but for the life of her she can't being herself to. She pauses for a moment before responding, allowing him to calm down even though she knows that he probably won't, but also so she may absorb his words. A lot of things he said really hit home.]

Your past only taunts you because you let it, and being soft doesn't have anything to do with your supposed inability to protect anything. Your failures in the past can't be fixed by pretending to be something you're not...

[She pauses once more, contemplating a way to finish her response. There situations weren't exactly the same, but their thought process was. She chuckles slightly, bitter and low.]

I used to think like that. I changed my name and everything that I was just so that I could be stronger, so that I could protect what mattered the most to me and I achieved the exact opposite instead.

[She shakes her head, hating the fact that she's speaking from ( ... )


THIS IS ONLY HALF I SWEAR darkenedbeast August 25 2010, 02:28:53 UTC
First time I've heard that line. We've been in similar positions..both you and I. Bloodedge was a true hero. He held back the Black beast everyone feared. He restrained the son of a bitch for a year and gave everyone else time to figure out how to kill him. It was almost a miracle that everyone forgot about. He died and...I inherited his name. Ragna the 'Bloodedge'.

This Blood-Scythe and jacket are his but what does that make me? I'm nothing short of a fake. I'm not even a criminal out of my own will! The circumstances deem me a villain when all I'm trying to do is fix up my past mistakes. Who's soul is this? It's a stupid question, I know I know.


ULTRA CORNY INSPIRATIONAL SPEECH TIME shines_bright August 25 2010, 03:07:48 UTC
That soul is yours, as long as you believe it is. There isn't any room for doubt in situations like this. You have his name, his jacket and his weapon but every choice you make along the way is yours.

If trying to fix your past makes you a villain or a criminal, then so be it. It isn't a question of can or can't, you just do it and you deal with it. That's fate.


Fate? Are you messing with me? The only one who'll carve my path is me. I don't need something so uncertain controlling what I do. Besides, earlier you said you changed your name because you thought it would make you stronger?

If you feel stronger then you definitely are. It wasn't a wasted effort, Light. You of all people should understand that your strength was something that you achieved with willpower. Fate is just a pile of crap. You're here right now, aren't you? That means...that you can still make things right. It might be a little late but better late then never.


PFFT WRITING STUFF LIKE THIS KILLS ME shines_bright August 25 2010, 03:59:07 UTC
Do you really believe in all of that?


OH YEAHH darkenedbeast August 27 2010, 00:05:43 UTC
Why would I even bother talkin' about something that doesn't concern me?

[Just in case she doesn't get it, he means yes.]


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