May 20, 2004 17:31
Dammit...Im so pissed off right now, this is gonna be a long post here....
okay first it starts my dance partners. Like I said before, our dance is Monday...about 3 days from now...My small group dance is NOT doing good because out of 4 members, 2 show up to practice the dance after and Mary. The other two, well, they piss me off because they both want to change what we already have 3 days before the show, they can't agree on costumes to wear, and the won't show up to practice because they supposedly 'know' exactly what to do....well they don't because the whole dance is choppy..why? like i said, they need more that pisses me off..
Another thing that really made me mad....the damned school messed up my boyfriends credits a few years ago which meant that he is graduating with me( about 3 years after he was supposed to graduate) and then today they told him he couldn't go to the senior awards tonight because, even though he is a senior, he isn't graduating. Yet he couldn't go to the junior awards because he isn't a what does he do????? well, they took to easy way out and simply gave him his awards after school..but that pissed me off, because the school seems like they really don't give a shit..and dammit if I don't go up there and make a big pile of crap out of it...damn...
And then today after school, I find out that my best friend Billy had a problem with a girl he likes because she lied to him..she told him she wanted to give 'them' a chance, meaning that she wanted to go out with him...well, not even a day later, she tells my other best friend David that she really likes him and wants to be with him so bad....well what did this do to Billy??????? It hurt him a lot...because he really liked this girl and would talk my ear off about her...I love hearing him be happy...she makes me mad....
And hun, if you very well may see this, i swear, if i hear a word out of you about this...You won't be having such a happy life in "MY" school. sorry dearie....
well, im done venting now... maybe tomorrow will work out better...
"I will shit myself....if provoked...." ~Bill