Jan 23, 2007 23:27
its strange how when you think your life will remain one way for a long time, it suddenly changes.
it doesnt matter if the way your life is going is good or bad.
but there are always times when i feel like nothing can or will ever change, at least until summer, or high school's over, or some end-point like that.
but almost as soon as you feel that things will never change, they do...
whether it be by means of a person coming in or going out of your life, or something tragic or amazing happens, or you just change your opinion for some reason.
sometimes the change can contain both negative + positive changes.
like if you're in a point in your life where you think nothing will get better, + you're just going to have to remain the same way in the same schedule + pattern + mood for the rest of high school, something happens that changes it..
+ with that, it brings good things + bad, but its still a change.
likewise when you're in a really good point in your life, + you think it will stay like that for the rest of high school or something, + you really hope it does, because while you do still have some problems, nothing too overwhelming, something can happen.
+ even though you thought you were in a really good point in your life yesterday, you can be in your most ultimate low today.
are these just random thoughts?
i dont know.. i'm trying to say something here.. let me try to sum up:
im not saying this in a negative way at all- even though it sometimes turns out that way.. but you can never count on your life to stay one way for too long. not even a few days or a week. sometimes even expecting it to stay the same for a few hours is too much. there are so many things that occur in one single day that affect our lives so greatly, one cannot fathom just how pertinent each and every hour, minute, + second are.
so i guess im saying dont worry about what happened, or whats happening.. because everything changes, + always faster than you think. + by worrying about these things you have no control over, + are, in essence, temporary in nature, you miss out on opportunities + every-day things that go on all around you that could change your life, or perhaps already do without you even realizing it.
i realize how confusing this entry is.. + it really wasnt meant to be that way.
i dont know. im tired, + sick, + i have midterms this week.
bah. can't wait until scrubs tomorrow.