If I had to sum up the last two days in two words, that'd be it. "Aye Carumba!"
Lets backtrack to Tuesday. "Oh the train you're taking? It now leaves at 7:30am, not 8:30." Well, crap, says I, to the guy on the phone from the travel agents. "I guess I'll just have to get to Spencer st. by 7:30ish, then. "Oh, and you need to be there half an hour in advance to book in."
Wait, for a train?
"Yeah." Well, crap, says I. "I guess I'll be at Spencer at 7am Thursday then. Which necessitated waking up around about 6:30 to get in from Eltham/Rosanna. Okay, not a problem. Oh, wait, hang on. Sleeping troubles. I ended up getting no sleep, arriving at the station cold and narrow-eyed, and then, only then, found out that the agent was wrong. On TWO counts. No, the train was not leaving early, it was at it's usual time of 8:30. No, there was no booking in required, the platform would be opened at 8am, and the train would depart at 8:30am. What do you do?
Well, if you're me, you are prepared for something like this. I had the phone number of the travel agents, and I called them, and asked for the man who had spoken to me. They said he was at home, and I replied that it was very urgent that I get in contact with him. They offer to call him and then 3-way it from their end. The bleary voice on the other end answers "Hello?", and I say "The train's on time. I'm not sleeping in.. so neither are you," and hang up. Ahhh, I love being bitter and evil sometimes.
I guess what goes around comes around.. and karma is a fucking bitch..
... because the train trip was HELL. Excluding those who do so for a labor of love, the parents among my readers, how many of you have spent 11 hours in close quarters (ie, sitting right behind) a mother and her 3 month old baby? How many of you have spent those 11 hours wishing your headphones went louder to drown out the whining and crying? (I'm dead serious, here. The baby cried for 11 hours straight. Oh, except for this one time, when it went to sleep for a second, but then the lady's 3 year old son fell out of his seat and slammed into the baby on his way down.. and you can guess what comes next.)
Ahhhh, life is so deliciously evil. If it hadn't been me in the hot seat, I'd have admired the exquisite torture..
.. but What goes around comes around.. and karma really is quite a wonderful thing.
Bec arrived this morning, and all thoughts of bad trains and horrible whining babies were completely, totally, 100% forgotten. Ahh, it's so good to be here. I'm staying in a 4 star hotel, I can relax in the ensuite spa-bath.. with Bec's laptop hooked up to the wireless an arms reach away. I think I'm in love.
Wait, I know I'm in love. More later.
PS, Zy_ Diddy, you might enjoy this, if you haven't seen it already:
Evangelical Scientists refute Theory of Gravity