New LJ Comm for LotS Fanfiction Recs

Jun 19, 2010 16:37


Recc'd by Seekers, the very best of Legend of the Seeker Fanfiction Recs.

We want to point you to the best stories in LotS in all pairings and ratings, both Het and Slash, as well as Gen centered on all the different characters, but we have our own preferences that draw us to certain kinds of stories. You can help us diversify by giving us suggestions for stories in the underrepresented pairings by commenting and a Seeker of Fic will check them out. And who knows, if we like your recommendations and come to trust your judgement, we may not just include them among our recs but ask you to become a Seeker of Fic.

This community is following in the tradition of the wonderful Harry Potter recc'er community: Know It Alls.

Want to be a Seeker of Fic?

Seekers of Fic Application Questionnaire:

1) What is your LotS OTP (one true pairing)?

2) What other LotS’ships/characters do you read stories about?

3) Name what you think are the three best stories in your chosen pairing and why you’d rec them. (Please include URLs)

4) Which three stories that have not been rec’ed on Recc'd By Seekers do you think should receive a recommendation and why? (Please include URLs)

5) Name three stories popular in your OTP you’d never rec and why. (Please include URLs)

6) Rec one story outside what you would usually read and why. (Please include the URL)

7) What is your criteria for rec’ing a fic? Do you feel comfortable both praising and including reservations when appropriate?

8) Do you write or rec fanfic? Where? What’s the URL?

9) Are you involved in running or do you help run any other archive or fan oriented site? If so, Where? What’s the URL?


Submit two sample Recs to pristineungift 

rules, thank you!, nicolas, drabble, legend of the seeker, orden, community rules, confessor, fan creations, torture, walter, reckoning, rahl, tarralyn, mord'sith, new members, sword of truth, kahlan, rada'han, fanfiction, mother confessor, prompts

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