Calling Betas and Cheerleaders!

Jun 14, 2010 02:00

Edit: Cheerleading sign up post is up! I know I for one could use one! Message me if you want to be my cheerleader!

So I know that vorquellyn and I ( pristineungift ) are both writing for the LotS Big Bang!

Now the beta sign up post is up, and the cheerleaders sign up post will be up in hours. I for one can't think of better supporters than my fellow Darklings, so get out there and sign up and help us out!

If you are a Darkling and writing and I missed you, let me know and I'll add you to the list.

Go sign up to beta / cheerlead on lotsbigbang  and get a sneak peek at Father Rahl.
EDIT: The duties of a cheerleader includes but is not limited to:
  • pre-reading
  • letting writers bounce ideas off you
  • general support/encouragement
You don't even have to edit - that's for the beta readers. Just be there for your writer, kinda like a Kahlan & Shar   Darken Rahl and Egremont friendship. If this sounds like something you can do, sign up!

thank you!, fan creations, legend of the seeker, community, fanfiction, creations

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