Feb 03, 2004 00:20
well, it's been fun kids, but I think I think that I've had just about enough for a while. Now, it's not everyone's fault, it's no one persons fault, truth to tell, but that matters not. I am not here to make you people feel better about yourself. Selfless acts of kindness are, by definition, supposed to be unnoticed, but expecting someone to drop what they're doing just because you called is horrible. it's even worse to try and wedge people apart. I'n sick and tired of hearing people talk shit about other people! I know that I've done it too, but I'm not nice to the people I talk shit about. This is just outta hand now, everyone needs to forget what other people want and concentrate on what you individually want for yourself, then see how other people's wants/needs fit in to your life. Don't try to force people to change, lotta people don't like change. -sigh- welp yeah, looks like I'm good to go for another 10 months, meybe I'll move to Proag....
huminahuminahumina blah
No joke people, I'm tired of the crap. Tired of feeling guilty for no reason, tired of not having time to myself, tired of the same faces every fucking day. well, good for me, I do belive I've fixed it all. ahha.
PPS if you've no idea what this is refering to.... dun worry, it's not about you. (Unless... you DO feel guilty!! In which case you should be Dark Banished)