band banquet

May 19, 2006 22:49

I won the award...of...myself?
I am so honored that the Outstanding Section Leader shall be named the Selina Velasquez Award. Freshmen year when I heard about marching band and the point of section leaders, I decided to apply for the position because, to tell you the truth, I don't remember. I never realized how being a section leader changes you. I never realized that I would care so much for each and everyone of my clarie faeries, that is you too Matt! I never would have realized I would become the clari mommy. I cry right now not because the postion is now handed off to someone else, I cry because I care so much for my section. I dont want to leave them. That means I wont be able to be there for them like I want, I wont be able to make sure they are ok when they are sick or sad, I wont be able to see them everyday and I wont be able to do so much. I know they will be fine next year, I have no doubt. They have amazing people for their section leaders next year. They will keep getting that Outstanding Section Award each year! 3 YEARS RUNNING SUCKAS!!!
Emily, Jenna, Amanda and I built this section from the bottom up to what it is now. We set the standards and everyone who has came in the section has met them and excelled in them.
When I became a section leader, I had no one to look to for example. I set my standards by how my tutor teaches me and how my dad taught me in softball. I made mistakes, like setting about 3 sets wrong in Rush year. I never once went to a leadership camp. haha...i know, we are "supposed" to go every year, i never went to one.

Congratulations to:
*Eric Brimhall:John Phillip Sousa Award
*Eryk Olsen: Eagle Pride Marching Band Award/Outstanding Senior Award
*Jarret Polk: Outstanding Junior Award
*Dru Chitwood: Outstanding Sophmore Award/Drum Major
*Ni Ni Alanis: Outstanding Freshmen Award/Falling out of the sky and landing on someone's bed award (uhhhh...)
*Clarinet Section: Outstanding Section Award
*Drumline: Outstanding Section Award
*French Horns: Outstanding Section Award
*To all the ones who are now new section leaders, marching techs and/or apart of band council
*Aaron Taylor: Maria Ramirez Award
My experience in band has been great.
State was fun
"El Charro Charro Charro..."
Section leader
Band Camp
Mike Finnerty's matrix moves
CHUBBY BUNNY (by the way I won)
WHO CAN EAT THE ICE CREAM FASTEST (won that too w/ my matrix pal Finnerty!)
water balloon fights
candlelight ceremony
marching band
Concert Band
Mrs.Britton's bad driving

That is all I can think of...


I am honored to have been apart of this band. I never realized that it would become the way it is now. We are truly a Superior Band. With Superior people. With a Superior band teacher. I will miss this band very much. I will visit though, so no worries.


Next year some of you are probably wondering, "What is selina going to do next year with band?"
Well, to tell you, I wont be in band. I am going to ASU at the Poly Tech Campus, which is 25 miles from ASU main. I doubt that there are practices near me, and driving that much for 2 days a week, I would not be able to do, with gas prices and all. I will try to keep tutor lessons once a month and when school gets out, I want to try out to become apart of a Symphony of some sorts. And when the school year starts again, I will have to put the clarinet down for awhile. I want to become a Veterinarian, and to become a Veterinarian/to get into Vet school, I need to get good grades...that means all A's. I am going to have to put my first priority to my studies for a certain amount of years. And that means putting the clarinet on hold. Not totally putting it in the closet and leaving it there. I am just simply leaving the clarinet in its case for awhile. I really do love the clarinet. I know most of you dont know this, but I used to play softball. I was on Varsity. Junior year I decided to quit softball to put my full dedication towards band. Softball was apart of me, and I still miss it. But I simply love the clarinet and the music, it is more than apart of me, it is apart of my soul. It does dishearten me to not be able to play it as much as I will want to.


Ya know...

It's all good!
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