
Feb 02, 2008 21:53

I'm back. And this time, I intend to post here more often. Brace yourselves ( Read more... )

naruto, exams, laziness

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shaitanah February 2 2008, 20:38:02 UTC
Yay! New layout? Looks cool! ^_^
Actually, there's nothing weird about that. Throughout exam periods I'm usually more strongly obsessed with anything))))


darkelanor February 2 2008, 20:48:37 UTC
I felt like changing something. :D

Let's hope so. And let's hope I won't fail either, buwhahahaha. So far, I have faith in my ability at staying awake and studying the whole night if need be. XD


shaitanah February 2 2008, 20:56:52 UTC
I like this one a lot))))
Good luck with the studies! XDDDD And what's up with the computer?


darkelanor February 2 2008, 20:59:19 UTC
Weeeell... we're spending our last days together, before its shaky last breath that will undoubtedly come soon))))


shaitanah February 2 2008, 21:09:38 UTC
Ouch... Sounds bad. Bury it with honour)))


darkelanor February 2 2008, 21:32:30 UTC
Haha! I told you for the "R.I.P." post-it, didn't I?

Well, it's still on my desk, while I'm waiting for the dreadful day))))


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