Random Thought of the Day

Apr 11, 2011 00:06

It's such a pity that when the time comes I won't be getting married the catholic way, where you get to recite your own vows, because I was really looking forward to saying the solemn, translated version of "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you..."

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dune_master April 11 2011, 18:41:17 UTC
Don't worry, we can have any sort of wedding you want, darling. ^_^ As long as there is enough alcohol.


darkelanor April 11 2011, 18:47:04 UTC
Of course, my dear. Weddings are all about the booze anyway. And the exciting sex that everyone but the bride and groom has on the wedding night. You and I would be an exception, of course, because our wedding night would involve a massive orgy dedicated to the Gods of Darkness. The orgy enthusiast in season 2 of True Blood would be so proud.


dune_master April 11 2011, 18:53:08 UTC
I like the sound of that. In fact, I'm quite willing to marry you ASAP. Good parties are so rare, and ours is bound to be smashing.


darkelanor April 11 2011, 19:04:53 UTC
That's because they try to make them classy. No. Ours will be loud, kitsch and full of male strippers outfitted with ice cream cones.


dune_master April 11 2011, 19:11:57 UTC
Woman, what are you doing to me? I'm trying to work!

Ok, forget that. Keep going.


darkelanor April 11 2011, 19:17:39 UTC
No, darling, you must get back to work. We need the money for the strippers. I hear that if you tip well, they actually treat you to ice cream off their chiseled, tan, shiny abs.


dune_master April 11 2011, 19:23:22 UTC
It's too huge a sacrifice to make.


darkelanor April 11 2011, 19:28:41 UTC
Are you not going to SUPPORT this future family? Shame on you! You need to reflect on your behavior and think of your responsibilities, mister. Our future children are not going to feed themselves and my jewelry is certainly not going to buy itself.

(You know that typing this hurt, right? I'm talking physical pain. Ugh, still crippled with it... H...e..lp)


dune_master April 11 2011, 19:38:30 UTC
Then let's swap them. Your jewelry certainly won't need to feed and the children will manage to buy themselves once in a while. We could pawn them, child labour and all. Except Jolene. She's too much of a darling, we'll be raising her to catch a rich husband.


darkelanor April 11 2011, 19:49:01 UTC
I like this plan. You're right about Jolene though. She's exempt from any sort of parental behavior that might call the attention of social services on her case. She mustn't simply catch a rich husband. She must *snatch him away* from Dolly Parton. And she has to a green-eyed ginger. If not, we'll MAKE HER ONE. It's going to be our masterpiece.


dune_master April 11 2011, 19:52:09 UTC
We'll make her so perfect that Frankenstein will weep tears of jealous rage!

But you know, I don't think snatching anyone away from Dolly Parton would be a problem. XPP


darkelanor April 11 2011, 19:54:31 UTC
Unless my suspicions are true and evil blood magic is involved. It's going to hard to break such a powerful binding spell, you know?


dune_master April 11 2011, 19:56:34 UTC
That's ok. I have been considering taking up necromancy. That might help.


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