Feb 28, 2005 15:51
I'm lovin' it! Fifth day now of not having to go anywhere or do anything that I don't want. Cause there's no schooooooooool!!!! Wooohoooohooo!!! I'm so happy. And I got to see Dog last night cause A&E was having a Dog Marathon it was great. I missed a good chunk of the shows but I still got to see mah Dog and tonight I'll get to watch SVU. The only two shows that I actually will stop what I'm doing because I know they're coming on! I don't watch a lot of tv but heaven help the fool who makes me miss Dog or SVU. *snarl* Hehe.
And it's snowing. Or sleeting, can't really tell, but still!! More snow!! WooT!
~((No use in hiding in the dark))~
Itty-bitty signing off