Last time we left off, Jessie had left us and the simselves had just settled into their new home, now day two has hit so lets check it out...
After the comotion from Jessie's departure had settled down, Stevie got the group date started, the first three girls to join Stevie in the hottube would be rewarded with a group date, while the other three girls had to sit amongst themselves in another hot tub.
The three lucky ladies had managed to fight for the stairs and earn their way into the special hot tub, they are:
After the group date had finished and everybody had dried off, the second half of the dates continued, Stevie chatted up every single one of the girls as the evening turned to night. Stevie had started with Lala and she was overjoyed at his interaction.
When Stevie had finished with Lala, he made his way over to Ning, who acted as shy as can be.
Once the dates were done, Shannon made her way over to the bar on the deck, "mmm that's good stuff right there." And some of the other girls joined her.
Ning turned in early after a drink, by early, I mean 7:30pm. Shortly after, the girls followed her, except for Shannon, she stayed at the bar for a bit.
Then vegged out on some salad, then retired to the bedroom.
The next morning, Ning cleaned up the mess in the dining room, thanks to the other simselves. While she was walking to load the dishwasher...
... Shannon became very defensive and insistant that she have the kitchen all to herself, with that Ning went to the living room to hang out on the couch.
And suddenly had the worried look all over her face... Again. (Seriously Ning, what gives?)
Meanwhile, in the kitchen...
Shannon decided to have a sponge bath... Oh yeah. There are four showers in the house, but the sink suits her better I guess.
Ning really wasn't happy about that, I guess she wanted to do more cleaning, but her eyes were more important.
Even Stevie wanted nothing of it, he kept his back to Shannon the entire time.
After the drama in the kitchen, Ning went back to her regular habbit, gossiping. Even though Lily was right there, Ning had no problem saying stuff behind her back, she had a good laugh.
Eventually 12 o'clock hit and it was time to announce the loser, "I know all you lovely ladies would love to stay here, but truth be told, there's to many of you and the food goes way to fast, so I'm going to kick one of you out." Blunt and to the point.
The scores are:
Ashley- 40
Lala- 75
Lily- 126
Ning- 103
Regina- 57
Shannon- 61
"ASHLEY, your time has ended, please pack your things and leave the house immediately. The cab is waiting for you outside."
Ashley packed her things and made her way to the cab, to add an insult to Stevie, she scratched her armpit as she walked away.