Nov 21, 2004 21:15
I'm posting this topic for one reason and one reason only. Recently someone wrote something on a very old topic of Amanda's journal. I'd like to take this time to send this message to you.
Whoever the FUCK YOU ARE, stay out of my life. This never was your buisness, and it never will be. Amanda and I are friends. We work together on the District Board. Just because someone compliments your work doesn't mean they like you. Judging by your immature reaction to this, you don't get a lot of compliments do you.
I must say its also very immature to go about this not leaving a name, or who you are. If you have a problem with someone or something, the least you could do is put in who wrote the input.
I sure as hell hope you aren't who I think you are. I'd be very ashamed of you if it was.