First best friend:kyllie ryan hummel, oh and mckenna sweeney.
First car: n/a
First real kiss:um... well this boy kissed me when i was like 5 but that's not really real... um lets just say i was suprised.
First break-up: i was like ok... then the next day i didn't care haha
First screen name: i3utterfli2008 (i was such a loser!!)
First funeral: my grandmas, it was a couple of days after i was born.
First pets: Zack, my dog, he was with me my whole life until he died. :( but my dogs now are cool.
First piercing: ears, my mom had it done when i was a baby.
First credit card: n/a
First true love: haha i don't know yet.
First musicians you remember hearing in your house: my dads band? um... ok.. the beatles probably :)
Current mood: pissed off, excited, happy, achey hehe
Current music: from autumn to ashes
Current hair: brown, bleh! i don't want it to turn reddish again. damnit! i'll just have to dye it in a month. well.. maybe get it dyed since they told me if i dyed it from a box they'd kill me. NOOO! xP
Current clothes: shorts that say dance on the back hehe... and a cunningham shirt. (the sad part is i'm still in "pajamas" at 7 p.m.
Current annoyance(s): need i say anything? ack.
Current desktop picture: a taking back sunday pic, i have a picture of jake gyllenhaal but i changed it.
Current book(s): well i get annoyed if a book bores me, but i liked the afterlife and i like chicken soup for the soul, the stories can be really interesting. but i like magazines more, but NOT the crap that isn't true and all of the dumbass things some people write.
Current color of toenails: umm... like a deep purple.
Current wish: that school doesn't suck ass.
Current hate: oh u really wanna know?? bleh. alot of things and people.
One or the Other:
Black or white?: black
Boxers or briefs: boxers
Coke or Pepsi?: coke
Salt or pepper?: salt
Vanilla or chocolate?: chocolate biatch
Cheap or expensive?: well it all depends... it's not like a wanna pay alot but sometimes u just get what ya pay for.
Hot or cold?: cold if i had to be
My favorite...
Color is: black :) ...but i do love my hot pink.
Song is: um: i am fred astair-tbs, paints peeling-rilo kiley, autumns monologue-from autumn to ashes
Scent is: vanilla, or something sweet
Food is: chinese, macoroni, ramen hehe, chocolate cake... mmm!
Do you stuff your bra? wtf. i'm not ......... ok that'd be mean. no. :)
What make-up do you wear daily? sometimes i'm lazy. lately eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss or something cause i'm very weird about my lips and ew chapped lips...
What are your underwear like right now? pink with a star *blushes xP
How many pairs of shoes do you own? does this count flip flops? well i mainly only wear 2 different pairs of converses sometimes. but idk, i have a pile haha, because thankfully my feet stopped growing along time ago.
Come on, tell the truth. Is that really your true hair color? eee... if u know me u know that answer to that. :D and i'm glad. i find my normal hair color somewhat boring.
What do you most like about your body? my hair and eyes... but sometimes my hair pisses me off.
How many fillings do you have? zero :)))
Do you think you're good looking? HA! RaRely.
Do you look like any celebrities? some people tell me and i'm like wth no! so I don't think i look like any celebrities.
Do you like a man with muscles or not? i don't really care.
Does your dream guy have long or short hair? umm probably kinda long. :) not down to his knees.
How long is your leg hair? not long. smooth hehe. well i'm kinda i guess.. anal about shaving my legs. it bugs me if i don't.
Are you on birth control? nope
Can you dance? yes... well ballet and things along those lines... normally. haha, usually i'm only kidding.
Do you struggle with self-esteem? sometimes
Have you ever or do you have and eating disorder? fuck no, i may eat kinda slow but i eat tons... alex's sister asked me if my stomach was a bottumless pit. :P
Something your guilty about? of course. when do i not... it's usually called stress, well with me. but most of the times it's nothing i can help.
Any good memories from this year? YES! :D
Any bad memories from this year? well duh x(
Do you regret anything from this year? yeah... many things, i shouldn't regret but it's a habit i guess
Do you regret anything you've ever done? I try not to but yes I do ......
Did you ever had braces? no but i wish i did, at least for my bottums
How did your parents name you? i don't know, but i do know they were gonna spell my name like this: catherine or something like that, but my grandma had a quilt made that said kathryn so my mom changed it to a K. THANK THE LORD! :)Wha does your name mean? haha well i looked it up:
Gender: Female
Origin: Greek
Meaning: Pure, Virginal
Gender: Female
Root: ANNA
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Gracious
ew i hate my middle name. well on me, some people it's good with but not mine.
well maybe that kept u less bored for a minute or more.