Oct 20, 2006 14:49
Status: Not hungry but not full
Str: Poor
End: Poor
Dis: Poor
Rec: Poor
Chocobo has been making a fuss at night, crying.
Affection: Regards me as a parent.
Personality: Easy Going
Weather: Prefers clear weather but isn't against any other weather.
Ailment: None at this time.
Todays Plan: Listen to some music.
Time Started: 14.12 CST
Took Arashi for a walk first thing today, standard CS for the walk, then I took him for his second walk and got a CS with Zopago and Blood again. Nothing special, just told me good job for taking my chocobo outside often. Took for a third walk to see if anything came of it but nope. Still feeding Arashi San d'Orian Carrots, seems to be the best item from the lists I've viewed. Rearranged my care plans, Handkerchief is still a White Handkerchief, talked to Zopago after zoneing a couple times and he finally took it back and gave it to the chick. Wasn't as hungry today so I only had to feed him 2 carrots to get him back to completely full.