Jun 23, 2006 03:00
Stupid bitches....the same girl I wrote about earlier mouthing off about religious symbols has been flapping her fucking voice hole for the past 2 hours about just fucking nonsense. I can't stand this girl. She is a 'goth/stoner/hardcore' chick and thinks because she's fucking baked out of her mind all the time that she's different. I've got news for you, your a fucking loser whore. Shut your mouth and sit the fuck down. You don't know what your talking about at any given point. She had the fucking nerve to bash me when I correct her earlier when they were talking about different illnesses and shit like that. Now I know I'm not a full bore EMT but at this point in my education I've learned alot recently and have done alot of studying on my own. I'm just sick of her spouting off about random shit and thinking she knows it all, I don't know everything and admit when I don't know something about a subject, but this girl will claim to know anything and everything.
On a side rant I can't stand people who merge through double white lines. That is all.