Valentine's Day is over, but whatever.

Mar 11, 2006 21:40


1. do you like anyone?: Mike.
2. do they know it?: one would think...

4. Had someone buy you something?: uhm... Mike does it on his own... My dad, I guess.
5. Bought something?: yes
6. Gotten sick?: yes
7. Been hugged?: mmmhm.
8. Felt stupid?: yeah.
9. Talked to an ex?: practically daily.
10. Missed someone: mmhm.
11. Failed a test: nope... I don't think I've even HAD a test in the last month, haha.
12. Ate cereal: yeah.
13. Danced crazy: Most likely. I danced in the kitchen of Papa John's the other day... and in Target... mostly because my boyfriend is a nerd...
14. Lied?: probably. I tried to lie to my dad at dinner and he was like "Why do you even bother? You suck."

16. Any nervous habits?: I peel my cuticles, sometimes until they bleed, and act like I'm really intensely interested in ANYTHING but what makes me nervous.
17. Are you double jointed?: nope.
18. Can you roll your tongue: yes
19. Can you raise one eyebrow?: kind of. Not very much higher than the other one.
20. Can you cross your eyes?: yeah
21. Do you make your bed daily?: almost. I think I've missed like one day in the last 2 weeks.

23. Said "I Love you" and meant it: Yes
24. Given money to a homeless person?: yeah... and a sandwich!
26. Waited all night for a phone call that never came?: Kind of.
27. Snuck out?: Yep
29. Do you swear?: At work A LOT.
30. Do you ever spit?: mhm.
31. You cook your own food?: Yes.
32. You do your own chores?: yeah.
33. You like beef jerky?: its ok

34. You like pepsi or coke?: Pepsi.. but lately pop has been not that appealing.
35. You're happy with your hair?: sure.
36. You own a dog?: Yes. A boxer/bull mastiff. She's a tank.
37. You spend your money wisely?: Kind of, since most of it goes in the bank. But I BLOW the money I do spend.
38. Do you like to swim?: LOOOOVE!
39. Gotten bored when you call a friend?: Oh geez yes.
40. Are you patient?: not really.


41. flowers or chocolate: flowers... lilacs are my favoritest thing ever.
42. gray or black?: black
43. Color or black and white photos?: black and white
44. lust or love?: love, for sure.
45. sunrise or sunset?: doesn't matter, they're both fun.
46. M&Ms or Skittles?: I don't eat either very often but they're both okay.


1. Are you in a relationship?: yes
2. If so, who with?: Michael
4. Do you believe in love at first sight?: not really.
5. what about true love?: yes
6. Would you kiss on the first date?: yeah, if I like the guy.
7. Do you look for one night stands?: No
8. Do you enjoy receiving flowers?: I do sometimes.
9. Do you enjoy gifts from your girl/guy: I like cute little stuff. Just like "I was thinking of you" things. Nothing expensive cause then I feel bad!


1. do you have a valentine?: Mike
2. do you like having a valentine?: I guess.
3. does someone like you currently?: Mike?
4. are you even worried about the upcoming holiday?: it's passed, but I wasn't
6. whats the best gift to receive on the day?: *shrugs*
7. Is a little kiss during school on vday ok?: Uh, yeah?
8. have you ever gotten something from someone on the day?: yup.
9. has anyone ever broken on your heart on vday?: I broke up with a guy on VDay once, but it didn't bother me much.
10. if you and your valentine were alone on the holiday, what would you do?: Dunno... hang out?
11. what does valentines day mean to you?: Nothing, I hate it.
12. does valentines day ever make you feel upset, happy, or angry?: annoyed
13. where would you like to be on vday night?: with Mike.
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