soccer is OVER!

Feb 11, 2005 20:11

wow, we got 2nd place. we're districts runner ups. (thats bad if u always like getting 1st place) but see coral park had never EVER gotten anything else than 3rd or 4th so WE made history in skool. it was cool.......we got 2nd place, we went to was all good, and tthe games were awesome, ive never played as hard as i did in those games.

so semis we played w/ miami high, we won in penalty shots. coach said i was awesome in that game, and so did chung. green said i was finally alive lol i think the final score w/ penalty shots and stuff was was a good feeling knowing we made history right there just by moving to finals. so finals we played miami beach. WOW tough game. i was sliding all over the place. they scored 3 on us, it was pouring and the game didnt stop. it was really cool cuz it was late too so yea we got down and dirty (literally) we were losing but that nite i had this feeling......i so wanted to socre on them, everyone was counting on me that day, and ppl all of the sudden i see this ball and the goalie let it go so i went for it, i made one of my famous slides on the mud and kicked it in.........pretty awesome goal. ......we lost but we named it my "goal of honor" heheheh. w/e we went to the quarter finals in regionals and well that game was stupid. i got kicked in the knee really bad. thank god she kicked me from the side cuz that fat ass wouldve poped my knee.....the trainer said i needed crutches but i said no, i had to ice it al the way back home, they hadto carry me out of teh fiel then the checked my knee for like an hour the they took me to the bus and well got me out of the bus and carried me out to the car lol i couldnt walk that nite or the friday after, it was saturday i was feeling better it hurt but i could limp so i went to check out raider challenge. GRRRRRRRR i wanted to compete so bad, they had to put lidys in my place, i was sad cuz damn i really wanted to compete. then sunday i stayed home watching movies. my knee was hurting so i decided to stay in bed lol..........i guess thats it for soccer season. ITS OVER!!!!!!!!!!

so oneh said she was gonna read my journal........ IF U ARE, me <3's yah!!! U ROCK MY SOCKS lmao
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