I gots me a new job!

Sep 17, 2007 09:08

This week has started off rather positively, because as you may have realised from the above, I have a new job. It's my second job at Norwich Castle Museum but this time I'm tour guiding and assisting the education officer i.e. I get to dress up as a medieval wench and make finger puppets with the children ^^

I have to start learning all about Art history and Crime and Punishment in Norwich- v. excited- I already geek quite a bit on the executions at Norwich Castle because it's fun scaring yourself, reading about who got hung where-especially when you are standing on the spot!

I'll also be working in the Regimental Museum, Stranger's Hall and the Bridewell - can't wait!!!! The interviewer said I scored the second highest results ever for my interview presentation too *grin* I just need to worry about fitting three jobs into my routine-one is going to have to go and it's quite scary, having to make big adult decisions-not my forte!

MSI tickets still haven't arrived *shakes fist* Mikki_g have you got yours yet? I booked mine the same day as you so I'll know to panic if yours turn up first!
I'm also trying to fit 3 band rehearsals in a week which is exhausting. The guitarist is super keen and keeps asking me to go to extra practices with just her and the saxophonist but my voice feels quite tired :/ I've reserved Wednesay for "Atonement" (if it's out then) or "Run Fat Boy Run"- I want to see if Simon Pegg's done it again.

Right...back to reading "1984" at Norwich Union, oh the irony.
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