Jan 03, 2010 23:09
After seeing another review of a decade, I decided that maybe I should throw my hat into the ring, and show what I plan to do about it. I have come to the full realization that the only one in control of my fate is going to have to be myself, because relying on others to come to my rescue ain't gonna happen. Yeah, there are going to be times that I am going to fall off the couch trying to lick my wounds, but that is just life.
I started out the 2000s with my grandfather alive. My family intact. My sister talking to me. My nephew was born. My father was living here in the house with us. My good old dog Dari was still alive. My job was maddening but secure, my boss was still respecting me. My meniere's had gone into semi-remission. I was well on my way to finishing my degree and wanting to. Mom's bookshop was thriving, and she was going to work, and was relatively happy. My best friend was alive.
I enter the 2010s with pretty much none of the above. My grandfather died in 2003. This caused a cascade effect with my greedy ass sister, who basically decided to muscle my grandmother and aunt into maneuvering me out of everything so she could take over the family home in the canyon, using her son as the main weapon of interest. I still believe this is primarily under the guidance of her abusive ass of a husband. They picked up and moved as far away, while still holding on to the reins from a distance. She has managed to keep moving in the time inbetween, with my aunt following along like a puppy, even though she is 80some years old, senile, but still taking care of the 7 year old child. We know this, because my sister couldn't take care of a kid if her life depended on it, evidenced by her regailing stories of making me change my own diaper when I was a year old, to anybody who she think will listen in the midst of her anti-depressant and alcohol fed rampages. Have not seen sister or nephew since 2003.
My best friend was killed in 2000. Got thrown out of a moving car by pissy boyfriend on an interstate and got run over. Father moved out of the house to take care of the canyon after grandpa's death, and primarily so he could play stinkfinger with his 21 year old girlfriend at the time, who was the fattest dumbest childish bitch. Rather interestingly, when the money from selling his part of the house to my mother dried up, she took off. Just before his triple bypass heart surgery/gall bladder explosion surgery. I ended up taking care of him, at a distance.
Dari died in June of 2008. Cancer. 15 years old, almost to the day. Not bad for a big dog. Andi came to live with us July 3, 2008. She is STILL a puppy mentally. On a good note, at least her personality has fast forwarded a bit to at least a two year old. Still chewing on furniture and my new shoes, as well as the wall.
Job is nightmare. Boss retired, and is going through is own happy ass little mid-life crisis after he became an unexpected grandpa, and his son basically refuses to listen to him. His oldest daughter is living her own life, pretty much doesn't give a dick about the family. Ex-boss kinda left me out there, with my ass hanging out. New co-coordinator is an idiot, and i am way behind already on the local fair. Last year's co-coordinator was a nightmare. My students are probably the laziest shits ever known to man. School is going broke. And is run by dictators with MAJOR issues. Regional director hates me. Real fucking fun there.
Meniere's attacks have been as bad as they were when I was 16. The only difference is the fact that I can't lay back in bed to get rid of them, because I have so much work to do. Ear bleeds, dizziness, vomiting, headaches, nose bleeds, elevated blood pressure, and the whole thing, has come back on a consistent basis. Can't do anything about it.
Degree is pissing me off, to the point that I really don't wanna. But I still will. Eventually. Then have to start on the next one. Shit.
Mom is somewhat happy, but is starting to get a little senile. Bookshop is not doing so well in new place after being forced out of her original place that she had been in for 25 years by a greedy dickweed of a landlord who turned the place into a hippie haven.
Sucks, huh? Yet, you may denote a tone of optomism in here. That's because there is. When that clock rolled over on Friday to this new year, new decade, I resolved myself to fight back. I go back to work tomorrow, and I have had enough. I am going to crack the whip and pull off a miracle. Because that is what I am going to do. I am going to kick my student's lazy asses, because that is what I do best. I am going to ignore my ex-boss and his shit, and prove to him that he is not the end all of everything. Present co-workers can fall into line. That's their job. I WILL finish that degree, and start the next one. Meniere's is just going to have to wait. The family, well, let's see, I don't have four mortgages like my sister. I know where the people in my life are when they are not at home. Auntie will eventually die, and then my sister will have to figure out how to handle her own kid. It's his loss for not getting to know me. And the place she wanted so bad. Oh, I wish her such good luck with that. The place looks like a shit bomb went off on it. The value has decreased by over 60% and the taxes have doubled. Good luck, dear.
The bookshop will recover, and soon enough when I get past locals, and regionals...and probably state, I will be putting the bookshop on line. That will make mom feel better. And her brain will get a workout, because she is going to learn how to use the program, even if I have to tape the fucking computer to her head, and make it part of her. I keep father happy at a distance, even if it means wiping his butt at a distance. Hey, he at least changes my wiper blades on my three cars.
Andi is coming around. And she is my new stalker. She goes where I go. When I am not around, she is a flaming bitch. Dari was the same way when she was a puppy. And this is all the tip of the iceberg. It's not going to be easy. There will be shit along the way. But life still has to go on.