17:37 @
pvponline my 3GS sounds fine.
17:40 @
Archana let me know if you find any great 3G+ ones
18:39 BBQ time!
18:52 Oaklands 3G speed is rather good
radar.net/c/f9TK 22:08 found this not-so-little guy lost and alone on the sidewalk
radar.net/c/fa6G 10:24 @
uncultured cultural thing I guess - growing up in the UK I now instantly think Rupee's == India
11:10 to all having issues with YIM and Adium ( eg @HaDAk ). Change the login server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com in the acct options! Works now!
13:47 @
JasonCalacanis really? it's Perez! He's an attention-whoring troll. Don't publicize his crap...
13:56 dear Flash plugin - you are are piece of crap. You CPU hogging crack whore
...because posting full entries is hard