14:07 things I want to play with - Arduino Mega. It looks sweeeet. Plus 14 PWN i/o pins!
17:13 listening to Mos Def's new album (The Ecstatic). Fundamental and fantastic quality hip hop. None of this gangsta crap...
18:24 @
wyldkyss what's their budget? Polurnet is really cheap and does more than most people will ever need - but really simply
19:13 Street party up in The Uptown! Oakland rocks
radar.net/c/f4dM 21:49 ok, so a block party followed by great BBQ... Oakland rocks!
09:12 @
jeriellsworth - I'm in awe. Seriously
09:13 @
mjmalone probably because most sensible people pre-ordered it. Like me. ;) I get it delivered today
09:14 my iPhone 3GS Update - SAN FRANCISCO, CA, US - 06/19/2009 8:49 A.M. - OUT FOR DELIVERY. So close! I can taste it!
10:50 It's here!
radar.net/c/f537 11:04 @
caramida they've got one in Temescal too - don't they deliever
11:07 my new iPhones feature I will use the most? the olephobic screen. That is a godsend.
11:36 @
maxniederhofer busy man eh?
11:36 @
fngkestrel lol! I'm sure they haven't coated it in Olestra :P
11:40 tethering is totally doable - but it breaks visual voicemail atm. Working on a fix for that...
12:31 anyone have any suggestions as to best apps to take advantage of iPhone 3.0 features?
...because posting full entries is hard