A Grand Welcome to Me!!!

Apr 28, 2004 21:45

Well here I am! I've been slightly pestered by certain members of my online gaming community, the SoS, to create a blog here on LiveJournals. Being one to always buckle to even the most minutest of pressure, on LiveJournals I be.

Today was an interesting day. You see a while back I put in my resume to the coal mine my Dad works at in the off chance they may have had an opening for a student over the summer. About a week ago I got the big call. I don't even need to go through an interview but I do, however, need to go through the normal employee screening process, which includes a Drug Test and a full physical. My drug test was yesterday, and that was exciting *eyeroll*. It was the first time in my 19 years of life that I've had the privledge of peeing in a cup. The physical today was a bit silly, the doctor answered a bunch of random health questions like if I'd ever eaten baby liver and other normal stuff like that.... Then there were some silly excercises, to see if I had flexibility and core strength, I guess. Then to top off the whole wonderful experience I got to pee in yet another cup. This time it was more of the dixie variety, and the test told me that I had a tiny bit of protien in my urine, which is supposedly fairly normal for someone my age who is "physically active" (that in itself made me laugh.)

So after two exciting days of flask unrinating, I went home, sat on the couch, and treated myself to a nice re-viewing of Jack Black in The School of Rock, followed by a solid thumping of the Philly Flyers by my precious Leafs.

Now here I sit typing away. This is fun, and I know it would be even funner if I had something to bitch about. Oh how I love to bitch about things. Sometimes I wonder if I'm part woman in that regard. Oh well.

I guess that's all for now. Stay tuned for more exciting Cowish news, from the cow capital of Canada. :D
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