May 03, 2004 16:56
Wow... what a crappy day.
As I'm sure I've mentioned in past entries I have a slight head cold. Today I woke up to the "eyewater" phase. Just perfect for my hour+ drive to my new job orientation at 5:15 this morning. Superb.
Anyhoo my orientation consisted of sitting around singing page after page of waiver forms and safty sheets. How exciting. Near the end of the day we were "privilaged" enough to become victims...err.... patients for the mine rescue crew's training session. After that we set some gas barrels on fire and practiced our fire extingusher skillz. (Gotta have the "z". ;) ) Though it all kinda makes you wonder just how safe things are....
After the watery-eyed drive home I stopped in and blew my first shift's pay on a pair of $150 steel-toed boots. (Sort of a must....)
The actual job starts tomorrow morning. (Joy) Hopefully my freakin' eyes will be better by then.
There's not much else to talk about... considering I got up at 4:30 (after about 3 hours sleep.) went to work, then got home about 4:30 I really haven't had the time or energy to do anything else.
So now I'm going to take a que from the brits and tell you to sod off.
Well... what are you waiting for? Sod off!