May 02, 2004 12:57
Well it was Saturday night in ol' Fernie last night, and it turned out to be rather bored. I drove around with some friends for a while trying to think of something to do. We finally settled on doing nothing and left it at that. (Imaginative, I know.) Later I came home and watched the Texas Chainsaw Massacare remake. It certainly was a lot better than the original. Kinda creepy, but not too scary, seeing as how I was able to watch it, alone in my basement, in the dark. Personally, I think that if some hottie with a rusty butcher knife can kick Leatherface's ass then so could I. :P
After the movie I went to bed and continued reading. The shadow lady section started to get a little better as it got back to the Gunslinger and his junkie buddy named Eddie. At one point he makes reference to a movie based off one of his books. How very post modern.
A while later I rolled over and went to sleep. However a little while later I woke up... sort of. It was actually a weird experience. I once saw on some show about alien abductions and other paranormal activities people talking about sleep paralysis and I can see just what they mean. Not ten minutes after nodding off I woke up but couldn't move, this might have been alarming but I didn't really feel like moving either. It sort of felt like a dream and I kind of laid there my eyes flicking about the room trying to decide what to do. Eventually I snapped out of it and went back to sleep. I'm not really sure what caused it, whether it was the movie, my stupid head cold, or maybe a combination of the two. Not that I'm all that worried about it, just another life experience I can use to relate to the crazy people out there.
This morning I felt pretty crappy, as I always do when I have a head cold. Stupid head colds. Nothing that a little Tequila won't cure though. ;)
Anyhoo, the Leafs are playing this afternoon and I'm going to go check to see if ol' Danky poo has botched the SoS site move or not. :)