Ain't got the time to take the fast train [00]

Jul 10, 2009 11:45

Dovev jerked to a start as the bench pinched his back. He reached back to rub where his skin hurt as he pushed himself so he was sitting on the edge.

Man... I need to lay off the Dramamine, The man blinked away sleep as he glanced around the subway station, hopefully they didn't miss their ride back downtown. Ah well, The dark-haired man yawned as he stood up, taking in his surroundings.

Fire Trap, an inner voice hissed - but Dovev clamped it down before he could dwell on it.

"Okay Levi, nap time's... over...?" He trailed off when he realized the bench was empty. Now where did he go? He was sure he taught the boy not to wonder off. Maybe he went to the bathroom.

He picked up the suitcases and started to search.

!00, aliveonlyinwar, orchidlover_wa, dr_schreber

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