alone, lost and confused [05]

Jul 22, 2009 11:36

Caitlyn had explored the empty hospital halls on her own, having lost Dovev somehow and unable to find any others. She turned a hall, and found herself in a small bathroom with a large metal tub in the middle. Caitlyn was about to turn, when at the door were two large nurses who grabbed her and forced her into the tub. Despite fighting as hard as ( Read more... )

harley_is_love, !05

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_meadow_lark July 23 2009, 00:07:32 UTC
Savannah had been wandering the halls of the hospital as well, delighting in her new sense of sight. Especially since she could also see through things as well...She was bound to be caught eventually. The nurses, which she did not fear (they gave her back her sense of sight!) prompted her to drink something that would help her sleep...

And she has woken up here, in the tunnels. And she wasn't wearing her hospital gown - too dark to see much, but her habituated fingers recognized a sweatshirt - a new one, given the fuzzy interior, and jeans. Sneakers, too. Socks...

And she hears singing. At least it's a woman's voice - she'd rather meet a strange woman than a strange man, down here in what likely might be a sewer. The darkness doesn't scare her, the world has been a dark place for most of her life. But things in the dark are worth consideration.

"Um, hello?" She calls out nervously.


harley_is_love July 23 2009, 22:26:48 UTC
Caitlyn had not been expecting to hear another person's voice, and so paused to make sure she actually heard it.

"Hello?" She called out, her eyes trying to adjust to the darkness to see the other woman down here. "Follow my voice, and hopefully we can find each other."


_meadow_lark July 24 2009, 11:43:41 UTC
"Yes, hello!" talking, much better than crazy-person singing.

"I'll be right over..." Savannah runs her hands long the wall gross, ew, I hope I don't touch anything rotted or slimy, and listens with keen ears for the tiny noises of the other person, trying to sort her out from the skitterings and chirpings of who knows what types of night creatures.

"Where are we, how did I get here?"


harley_is_love July 24 2009, 15:08:21 UTC
Moving forward towards Savannah's voice, Caitlyn brushes her leg past another rat or two. "I am not quite sure where we are, it sounds like subway tunnels."

"And as for how you got here... I have no clue."


_meadow_lark July 24 2009, 15:49:57 UTC
"Ah, there you are." Savannah can just make out Caitlyn's shadowy figure in the gloom.

"Ugh, rats. I can smell them...How did you get here, then? I just woke up here. I...was in a hospital, and then I fell asleep...I'm dressed differently as well. I was...oh God, do you think I was kidnapped by a serial killer who likes to hunt his victims in an underground labyrinth?"

One thing's for sure, she's inventive when she's scared.


harley_is_love July 24 2009, 16:14:19 UTC
"Yes, there are a lot of rats in this place." Caitlyn moves closer to Savannah, just so they can see each other.

"Well... I was in a hospital, and the nurses tried to drown me. And the next thing I knew, the metal lid they had placed on the lid was a manhole cover. And I came up here, in the tunnels." It sounds really weird saying it outloud.

"I do not think that a serial killer kidnapped us." Caitlyn pauses, as a whisper of the truth tries to catch her attention. "But I am starting to believe something else did kidnapp us and put us here."


_meadow_lark July 24 2009, 16:46:47 UTC
"I guess the only thing to do for a way out." Savannah is shaking, ever so slightly, but tries to keep it light.

"You''re the first blond person I've seen in 10 years..."


harley_is_love July 24 2009, 17:20:14 UTC
"We can search together." Caitlyn offers Savannah a hand, noticing that the other woman is shaking.

"I am? Where have you been for the last ten years?"


_meadow_lark July 24 2009, 17:37:19 UTC
Savannah seems more girl than woman, shaking as she is. She jumps a bit when a rat scurries past, squeaking.

"I've - I've been blind, since I was five. And I just got a double eye transplant, it's great! I didn't know what I'd been missing. I didn't know that people could see through walls and things..." because apparently, she can.

She hears a distant rumble and jerks her head up. "What...what was that, was that a train? Oh God, are we in the subway?"


harley_is_love July 24 2009, 17:40:09 UTC
"Most people can't see through walls, dear." Caitlyn uses a soft, collected voice, in order to help the other woman stay calm.

"Yes. From what I figure, we are in the subway. But this is a deserted track." Another rumble close to their wall makes Caitlyn stop and pause. "Hopefully, it is deserted."


_meadow_lark July 24 2009, 17:43:51 UTC
"They can't? I can't? What...okay, so, what sort of eyes was I given?" This revelation does not help matters.

"Deserted? How can you be - Well, maybe if we follow this track we'll get to a station, and get out of this dump. Ugh, I'm never riding the subway again if this is what it looks like down here. I had no idea!"


harley_is_love July 24 2009, 17:50:01 UTC
"Sorry dear, I can not see through walls. Though apparently, I can breathe underwater." Caitlyn takes a moment to think.

"Like I told you, I came here from the hospital, just like you. And before that, I was in a carnival. And before that, I was just living my life in the city." Something inside her tells her that there are more lies and twists and turns to this place than she thought.

"Let us follow the track then."

(awol for a couple hours)


_meadow_lark July 24 2009, 18:00:45 UTC
((me too))

Savannah looks down the track. And looks.

"Whoa." She stops and closes her eyes quickly, one hand on her forehead. And then, she stares down the tunnel again.

"I...can you...I don't know what you'd call it...see things far away? Like...reaching out and drawing things suddenly closer? Because I just did that...I thought I saw a station platform, though."


harley_is_love July 25 2009, 01:35:04 UTC
((good timing then. Back))

"You have enhanced sight then?" Caitlyn is starting to wonder if both she and Savannah were kidnapped superheros or something. "A station platform? Let us head to that then."


_meadow_lark July 25 2009, 13:40:33 UTC
And so they start down the track, towards the slight glimmer of sulfur lights at the station.

"Apparently...apparently I do. It's freaky but, I have someone else's eyes in my head. And...well, it's...apparently they had really good eyesight because that's what I..." And she happens to glance behind them.

"Uuuuh, there's a light, it's far off, but coming closer...I'm not sure this track is abandoned!" And she starts hurrying, then running, down the track.


harley_is_love July 25 2009, 15:04:07 UTC
When Savannah mentioned that the light of a train was coming from behind them, Caitlyn started to run as well. And discovered that she was able to move faster than Savannah, a lot faster.

So she stopped, turned and went to Savannah's side, and picked her up with no effort. "Hang on tight to me." Then still holding Savannah, ran as hard as her body allowed her to do. Which was quite fast. It seemed like they would make it off the tracks in time. At least, Caitlyn hoped that they would.


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