Nov 01, 2006 21:32

Yea... so alotta ppl might ubject to what im about to say at this moment, but.... like i EVER gave a damn about a ubjection ( Read more... )

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dragonheart522 November 3 2006, 02:10:26 UTC
In case your unsure of who this is, it's Rayna.
Orlando, as someone I know and used to carry a certain amount of respect for, I think you need to hear this.

1. I think you need to be a little more cautious when pronouncing your own "feelings" on a matter and then at the same time throw a fit about everyone else doing the same thing.

2. No name calling is necessary on any issue you have expressed here. No one I know personally, namely the one you name called, has ever done so to you. Definitely a black mark from me. And if you want to use a condeming word, make sure you use it right.

3. If you're gonna date somebody, date them, don't ignore them. That's kinda why its date. Other than that, be at least a little grown up and THINK about what you decide to do. This is not exactly as trivial an issue as you wish it were.

4. Watch who's friends you talk about on an internet journal like you have no kind of life or any other way to say what you want. That's what the phone, or even "face-to-face" is for that matter, is about. At least be a man about it.

5. If you have any sort of response for this little note I have left for you on that little journal were you nicely expressed certain issues, then feel free to comment any way you wish since "face-to-face" is not exactly convenient.

6. As of the moment, you are on my blacklist. You probably don't give a shit. I'm sorry if you don't. One might assume that "friends" can express matters freely without such judgment.

7. Of all people that should know this, I'm surprised you don't. Wether your friends are wrong or right, they are you friends. Don't you dare condem ANYONE here, anyone who has cursed you, yelled at you, confronted you, about being stupid, being orlando. Maybe you should learn to take a hint, what they say might have some logic to it.

And also, like I said before, be a little more careful when you trash someone's friends. Think about who you challenge when you do something as disgusting and vile as that. And remember, you challeged me when you wrote this. Don't you dare get offended. Don't you dare get upset. I'm being about as nice as can be warranted.One thing I don't care for, is people who think they can do whatever the hell they want with no backfire. How dare you. How fucking dare you Orlando.

One last thing in this little letter. DOn't say you don't care. Don't you lie. If you really, honestly, truly, entirely, did not care, in one way, not one bit, not only would you not have said what you have in the past to/about susan, to/about anyone who commented on you for susan, you would not have written this abomination of a *bitching session*, nor would be reading this now. You simply, would not have said anything. Sadly, I am almost ashamed to call you friend. And as you see now, things like this, like what I"m responding to now, does not sit well with me.

As someone I carried at least a little respect for...there are no words for you...


._. ............XDDDDD!!!! darkchibiflame November 3 2006, 21:53:58 UTC
ok... since we're n the habbit of numbering things.... here goes

1. I'll be honest, I actually like you, I dont wanna argue with u... actually, i dont want eanything negative to or from u, BUUUUT... that still doesnt change this...

2 y the bitching session? i mean come on, if susan gets 4 months str8 to bitch and counting, y cant i get 2 lousy journals?

3 since ur gonna just call jessie and talk him half 2 death about this anyways, y dont u ask him the real reason i put this up?... cuz i aint in the habit of givin my life story.


Re: ._. ............XDDDDD!!!! dragonheart522 November 4 2006, 05:16:10 UTC
I number things to keep things organized and remotely understandable.

The "bitching session" was due to the fact that you went way low in this journal. Just as Jessie is your friend and defends you, visa versa, I do the same for mine. Susan knows where I stand on this. I thought it high time you knew too. This whole mess, although brattish on both parts, is just that, a mess. It's stupid, and proving slightly pointless. If you disagree with what I say about this childishness, for a word, of this entire thing, just look at what you said to me in reply.
"i mean come on, if susan gets 4 months str8 to bitch and counting, y cant i get 2 lousy journals?."

I know nothing of the other journal you wrote on said issue. Haven't read it.

Thus, this "bicthing session", apparently as you imply, due to ignorance on my part, holds sway here as, no one is willing to tell whats really going on. I've heard one side and nothing more than that. If you want me to, at the least, understand your motives, as opposed to asking me why I respond the way I do, then please, feel free to try and prevent said ignorance.
Although, let it be known I hold fast to my earlier said opinions until just evidence arises otherwise.

I was not arguing with you to start with, sorry for the misleed. I was merely stating my views on the obvious matter at hand. And these, have already been said.

Contrary to what you seem to believe, I did ask Jessie, he is loyal to you. I'm assuming he either requests your permission to tell, or would prefer you did. Probably the latter. And I must ask you this one more thing.

You're "not in the habit of giving your life story" and yet, Jessie should for you? Because you don't feel like it? Therefore, I don't see why you are complaining at all. If you are not willing to tell people YOUR story, YOUR deal, why should we automatically assume that it's legitamite. Worth our while, because, it would seem that, it's not even worth while to you...

And because you seem to dislike the numbers i put into my last note, as you see, they are nonexistent in this one. Keep in mind Orlando, I don't get mad often, for the record, not mad now. I was when I wrote the last one, pissed even, but uh, not now. It's a difficult thing to do, though not impossible as I hope you are noticing.

Main message: grow up a little. Either that or think a little bit more before you act. Preferably both...


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