Feb 19, 2004 23:09
As you may know or not know, I had a journal on another site which will remain nameless (and crap) and ive decided to move here, where most of you people do this. So here it is. Ill start with today ok?
Hmm, not a bad day today, but all the days of holidays seem to run together into one lazy, boring blur. Better do something soon. (:[)
Now, today, was a special day in every boys life. Oh hang on a minute, it wasnt.
Got up, persuaded mum to watch snatch, watched it with her. If u havent seen this, you must. It chainsaws ass.
Erm, had some marmite on toast, but put too much on it so it gave me a bloody headache. (:())
Guess it serves me right. (:P)
Drank some lager, came on the net. Came off the net, went on PS1 (im so deprived)
Drank some more, came on the net again. That was my day.
I hope I find something to do for the other however many days there are left of half term (:S)
See ya later dudez!