My Feelings

Mar 19, 2004 17:24

Its kind of hard to grasp the fact that people probably talk shit behind your back and dont like you. Id rather people be open about that sort of stuff. And its hard to grasp the fact that people you think like you probably dont. I hate myself and I hate the life I live, yet i couldn’t bear to lose the people who do like me, if there are such people. I dont dislike people at all, I only dont like the people that treat me like shit. which is most people, friends, enemies, people I dont know that well, they judge me simply because of my mood or the way I look. I dont know whether there is anyone who understands me or not, and it drives me insane. I wish I knew what people thought of me. I think the simple solution to my life would be to become a monk, but im not religious and I dont fucking want to. I dont hate anyone and I may or may not be more intelligent than people perceive me to be, and I dont believe intelligence is about whether or not you know how to play football well or do complicated mathematical equations, or whatever. Im sick of it all and I dont know what to do.

I try to be what people like in a person, and I think that is the problem, that everyone tries to be what they’re not. If this is not true and I am wrong then I think the world is a lot worse than I estimated. Whether I am myself or not I don’t know really. I am, but I am not sure I have thought so much about this before, it hurts. Most of my friend’s problems spring from relationships, another place I am fucking hopeless in. If anyone did like me, I find it hard to believe it would be for my physical attributes, and not many people know me well enough to know my mind. So therefore I just seem like that guy. Although I don’t know what people think. People can think what the fuck they like, ill just carry on with my life, doing what I always do. Whatever the fuck that is. So if anyone of you can give me any incite into how you truly feel about me and how much you think you know about me, please tell me. Thankyou, it would mean a lot. By the way, by “you”, I am not referring to you, I am referring to me.
Cheers guys.

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