Apr 29, 2003 20:13
Well i'd like to say thanks to all the people who gave me a happy birthday which was like 2 weeks ago. I would also like to say i'll be disappearing for a while. This shit's gettin bad 4 me and I need to stay the hell off the computer. I'm also gonna hang up being a juggalo for a while. Some people may think not but there are more important things. I need to get my head straight and stop pretendin i'm fine with how some parts of my life are. I just can't handle shit anymore. I feel like my heads gonna explode. If anyone does care enough to even read my journal then I guess they'll know that i'm gone. For those who claimed to be my friends and then stopped talkin to me and turned their back and said later loser. If you read my last entry then you'd know what i'm gonna say.
I'm so tired of people pretendin. That's all most people do includin myself. Well i'm done. I'm finally gonna stop bein what everyone wants me to be and gonna do something I should have a long time ago.
BE MYSELF! Not a crazed hardcore juggalo. Not some Eminem worshipping ass kisser. And NOT SOME GOD DAMN MONKEY BOY! I'm out! This is not Darkcarnie15 sayin Good bye for now. This is the one and only true
Kool Man saying if you don't like me then go fuck yourself you silly little Faggot!
-Kool Man