It's too bad that people often times have to create drama in their lives when it doesn't need to be. I feel sorry for people like that. I know I don't know this Devon personally but I know you.. fairly well I would think and you don't come across as a shit disturber or someone who tries to create unneccesary drama. You're also very intelligent and can make strong arguments. I think from an outsider's point of view that you have done absolutely nothing wrong. You have done what everyone in an argument should do. You've compiled actual facts, bits of conversations to back up your argument and I've also never seen you stoop to personal attacks or name calling unlike Devon who seems to have the same attitude about her in all of her replies or comments (well those i've seen)and in my opinion it's usually the people who are so far on the defensive and only have swears or petty remarks as "comebacks" to an argument.
From what i've read and heard from you, she very much seems like alot of girls out there who strive on creating uneccesary drama and also want themselves to be the centre of the entire universe's attention and then bitch and moan when nobody listen's to them.
From what i've read and heard from you, she very much seems like alot of girls out there who strive on creating uneccesary drama and also want themselves to be the centre of the entire universe's attention and then bitch and moan when nobody listen's to them.
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