Title: Scraps
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Couple: 10/Rose
Summary: Snippets from what we didn't see during and after episodes, told from the Doctor's POV.
Disclaimer: I don't own DW, otherwisee season 2 would have had more Bad Wolf, and less Torchwood.
AN: Okay. Okay. I was supposed to do New Earth next. But Tooth and Claw came more easily to me. Oh weeeell. I've no 'official' beta, and didn't wait for anyone who could Brit-pick to log on, so...have at it if you see somethin wrong.
Chapter 2: Tooth and Claw
"I didn't know you could do Scottish."
He looked up from the calculations he was working on, mildly surprised. His companion was watching him with an expression that clearly spoke her amusement. She was leaning on the consol across from him, swaying with the motion of the TARDIS through the Vortex.
He grinned at her. Of course he could do Scottish. Once you had a language down, it wasn't difficult to feign an accent. Wasn't that already obvious?
"Got five billion languages, think I can handle Scottish."
"How come ya never used it before?"
He shrugged. He never saw the point of changing whatever his regeneration's 'natural' accent ended up as. In the end it never mattered anyway. Besides, that was one accent he never really seemed to be able to deliver to his personal standards. "There was never a reason to."
"I like it. Very convincing."
He couldn't help a small swell of pride, or the grin that accompanied it. Appreciation for his efforts (however minor) was nice...especially when it came from her. Nevermind that it was rather pointless what she thought of his accent, as she knew full well he wasn't even close to Scottish, and would never be convinced otherwise no matter how well he might deliver an accent.
There was a short companionable silence, before she grinned with her tongue between her teeth. "Doctor?"
He looked back up at her, knowing what she was going to say before she said it.
"I've never done it with a Scot before."
CH end
AN: Ah. Randomness.